Coronavirus in Lombardy, today’s bulletin October 4: 314 new cases and 2 deaths


Milan, October 4, 2020 – i new cases of coronavirus in Lombardy: in 24 hours they are registered 314, of which 48 ‘weakly positive’ and 0 after a serological test, compared to 14,795 swabs, for a percentage equal to 2.1%. However, the number of men also decreased made swabs there are 14,795, 2,187,132 since the beginning of the pandemic. Yesterday, in fact, against 18,860 swabs, there were 393 positives. Two deaths while on Saturday they were 5. I 113 recovered / discharged (Total total: 81,733, of which 1,360 were discharged and 80,373 recovered). The patients admitted to intensive care decreased by 3 units (39), while those in the other departments they increased by 3 (296).

The data of the provinces

As for the provinces, in the Milanese today there were 160 cases of coronavirus, of which 86 in the capital (yesterday +160 and +101 respectively). They follow Monza and Brianza + 50 (yesterday +48); Brescia +28 (yesterday + 33) and Pavia +22 (yesterday +22). Further back there Varese with 16 new positives (yesterday +35); Bergamo with 9 (yesterday +25), Cremona with 6 (yesterday +15); Lecco with 4 (yesterday +5); How with 3 (yesterday +5) and finally 2 cases a Lodi, Mantua and Sondrio (yesterday +5, +7 and +20 respectively).

The data of the Covid-19 emergency in Lombardy on Sunday, October 4

Lombardia, the balance of the last months

The photograph of the number of coronavirus cases verified by hyssop, in the official figures of the Region, traces a clear and deep furrow. On one side the provinces most affected in the first great wave of contagion who today sees aincrease the cases in a much smoother way. On the other side those where the virus had been unleashed in a less violent way, and in which Varese is spreading most vigorously today above all, where growth is 14%. The comparison between the files of July 24 and September 23 speaks of a increase in all Lombardy of about 7 thousand cases, going from 93 thousand to more than 100 thousand in the space of approximately two months. As if to say that 7 percent of the total number of positive viruses in Lombardy was added in two months. But there are those who are safer today: Sondrio, province of Lodi, Cremona and Bergamo. And instead begins the list of those territories that in the first phase of the pandemic had benefited the most from the effects of the blockade, which had blocked the spread of contagion. That today has taken with greater vigor: Brescia, Lecco, Pavia and Como. But there is a third strip of territories where the expansion of the coronavirus has been definitely more meaningful. First of all, the metropolitan area of ​​Milan, closely followed, also by geographic proximity and lifestyles, by Brianza and Mantua.Mom the disk belongs to Varese.

Coronavirus, the number of infections in Italy is always high

If you keep High For him fourth day consequently the count of new positives of Coronavirus in Italy. the today’s newsletter issued by the Ministry of Health 2,578 new cases me 18 dead (yesterday 2,844 and 27 respectively). Therefore, a slight decrease that, however, is associated with a series of tampons much less (more than 26 thousand less). Regarding the regions, the Campania (+ 412), the region with the highest number of new infections.

Meanwhile, the government is studying the first measures to stop the spread of the virus. One of the CTS indications – which the executive was able to take into consideration at this time – refers to the contingency of attendance at private parties and on the occasion of events and ceremonies. A Dpcm will be launched next Wednesday. The CTS line, to avoid a significant increase in contagion and the need for general lock, would be that of a progressive restriction of measures in the autumn season: starting with a squeeze of nightlife in the first closing hours of the premises to a significant increase in controls, in addition tomandatory outdoor mask. “A new confinement? Whoever is in government must work day and night to avoid it. The result, however, is not written in the sky, what happens in the next few weeks will depend on the behavior of all of us. We must absolutely not frustrate all sacrifices, “said the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza interviewed by Lucia Annunziata in ‘Half an hour more’ on Rai 3. “It does not depend only on everyday cases – he stressed – We have 21 criteria to monitor”.

Virologist: “We are heading towards another wave of Coronavirus”

The fear of one second wave of coronavirus this ax Arnaldo Caruso, director of the Microbiology laboratory at the University of Brescia, professor of Microbiology at the University of Brescia and president of the Italian Society of Virologists: “The virus has shown its seasonality. After the remission that began at the end of May and ended in September , with the beginning of autumn the curve picks up again, which we believe will consolidate significantly between November and December. ”They were more than 700 cases of positivity to Covid 19 detected by Ats Brescia in September, 50% more than August 511, more than 150% more than in July. There is no comparison, of course, with February-March 7,720, but the fact that the trend has been steadily increasing since July should be read as a warning sign. The trend in Brescia is not unique, but reflects a general situation throughout the country.
