there are 151 positive cases


LECCE – Eight new cases of Covid in Salento: peak of infections, increase throughout Puglia. These are the ones that are highlighted in the daily epidemiological bulletin, issued by the Department of Health Promotion of the Region. Of a total of 3 thousand 486 tests, in fact, 151 cases of positivity of Coronavirus arose in the territory of Apulia. In addition to the four registered in the province of Lecce, another 97 refer to the Bari area, 21 to the Bat province and 16 to Foggiano. In addition, eight more cases registered in the Taranto area, 16 in the Brindisi province and two cases are related to the same number of citizens of unknown residence.

In the last 24 hours, the time segment to which the report refers, there have been no deaths. “Today’s peak is due to the readjustment of epidemiological data related to some outbreaks already known and under the control of the health authority. Therefore, these are cases of family and community contacts. It is recommended, once again, to strictly adhere to the rules to prevent the spread of the virus: maintain physical distance; wear the mask, even outdoors; frequently disinfect your hands with hydroalcoholic solutions ”, is the comment of the manager of the ASL of Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce.

Since the beginning of the emergency, 424,869 smears have been performed: 4,000 and 739 patients are cured, 2,897 currently positive. In total, 8,234 positive cases have been detected in Puglia since the start of the health emergency, of which 821 in the heel. Yesterday the new ordinance signed by Governor Michele Emiliano was promulgated, which envisages a tightening of prevention to protect citizens from new waves of infections.

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