premises closed at 10 at night, army for controls. More infections than in April


The assault of COVID-19-19 doesn’t stop. The second wave of the epidemic, which has already hit many European countries, swells muscles in Italy too: 27 deaths and 2,844 positives (with about 1,400 fewer tampons), the highest peak recorded since April, when the country was in full swing. apogee. emergency shutdown. Then the head of state Sergio Mattarella expresses “concern for the increase in the contagion rate and for the victims that we continue to register every day.” And the government decides to strengthen the controls by deploying the army. The goal: to limit nightlife, gatherings in public places, ensure compliance with the use of masks. even outdoors in Regions where they are required.

Covid, the new Dpcm: for the new squeeze, the government awaits the evolution of the epidemic

However, the focus on adopting new straits is prudent. Today or tomorrow the premier Giuseppe Conte and Health Minister Roberto will meet to decide the new Dpcm with anti-Covid measures, which will be illustrated by Speranza in Parliament on Tuesday. Based on what leaks, the executive will try to avoid “unnecessary scaremongering”, under the principle of “actions proportional to the contagion curve.” Therefore, the Dpcm that will be launched will not “contain any great news” compared to the supply on September 7.

Covid, the new Dpcm: closing at 11pm for bars and restaurants, outdoor masks. Military to control night life

The caution is such that for the moment the introduction of the obligation of the mask in the open air throughout the national territory is also excluded. How is the ban on meetings at home and away from home excluded? setting the limit of 6-10 people. “Nothing has been decided yet,” explains a government source, “each measure will be decided based on how the contagion curve will move. And it is foreseeable that the Dpcm for now does not contain an extension of the obligation of the masks, nor more prohibitions of collection and not even an advance of the night closing of bars and restaurants “to limit the nightlife”.
But if the contagion curve continues to rise – at the forefront now is not only Lombardy, but also Campania and Lazio – the government will “intervene quickly”. It will introduce the new straits (masks, gatherings, nightlife stop) that, however, will not affect productive activities or even schools: “The continuation of the school year and the stability of the economy are imperative.”

Romans are disciplined, mask and slow down the nightlife

Rome, fear of Covid in schools: infected in 81 institutions. Manara High School closed

And if the situation were to rush, to limit infections, the reopening of last spring will go back in the opposite direction. The first to close would be cinemas, theaters, gyms. Then, if there was an additional aggravation, it would be the turn of the hairdressers and beauty centers, followed by bars and restaurants. Lastly, the stores. The national blockade is excluded: we will continue advancing with the territorial red zones.
In these hours, however, the password is “prevention.” The goal: to limit the spread of the epidemic by enforcing local and national ordinances. Hence the decision of the Interior Ministry to send a circular to the prefects, inviting them to strengthen anti-nightlife controls “to limit the risk of contagion”, using the police and “military personnel belonging to the Safe Roads device.” In short, the army is in the field.
This is because the alarm is increasing. The fear of the experts of the Scientific Technical Committee is that “the epidemic will get out of control”: “Above 3,000-3,500 infections a day,” explain those who follow the file, “it would be impossible to guarantee contact tracing: the territorial prevention offices would no longer be able to track and identify all the people, who on average are forty, come into contact with those who tested positive and rubbed themselves ”. Explanation: “The reopening of schools and the wave of new cases in the classroom has multiplied the work of the territorial offices.” Driven from the beginning of the outbreak, but not yet enough.

Covid, Luca Zaia: “Quick tests in the classroom in the case of a positive student”

Faced with this situation, the government campaign continues to invite citizens to download the Immuni application and be “prudent” and “respectful of the rules.” “We managed to face the toughest phase” of the emergency, Conte warns, “but the threshold for care must be high. We cannot afford to lower it. The sacrifices made would be dispersed in an instant. And the premier adds: “Sometimes, especially abroad, we speak emphatically of the Italian model”, but if it is true that “we have faced the hardest part” of the pandemic, “now we cannot rest on our laurels.”

Last updated: 12:27

