The citizens of Geneva have decided to introduce a minimum wage in the Swiss canton, equivalent to 25 dollars an hour: the highest in the world, with around 4,000 Swiss francs a month (about 3,800 euros).
58% of the voters of the canton – CNN reports – voted in favor of an initiative supported by a coalition of unions and aimed at combating poverty, promoting social integration and contributing to respect for human dignity. Although Switzerland does not have a national minimum wage law, Geneva is the fourth of 26 cantons to vote on the issue in recent years after Neuchâtel, Jura and Ticino.
A historic victory for the unions, which will directly benefit 30,000 workers, two-thirds of whom are women, as of November 1. According to Michel Charrat, president of an association of commuter workers between Geneva and neighboring France, the coronavirus pandemic has shown that a part of the Swiss population cannot live in Geneva and has argued that the new minimum wage is the minimum for no fall out. below the poverty line and in a very difficult situation.
Instead, the State Council, the local executive branch, said it opposed the new minimum wage, which would become the highest in the world. Geneva is the 10th most expensive city in the world according to the Economist Intelligence Unit survey.
October 3, 2020 (change October 3, 2020 | 20:22)