In a few hours the rain of six months fell: an amount that exceeds Record that resisted since 1958. the Po has grown by almost three meters in the last 24 hours, according to a follow-up by Coldiretti in Ponte della Becca (Pavia).
State of calamity – At night the governors of Piedmont and Liguria, Alberto Cirio and Giovanni Toti, signed the request for a state of calamity “for the enormous damage to the territory, which the mayors of the most affected areas described in some cases as” worse than the ‘ 94 “. When the flood caused 70 victims and 2,226 displaced persons, Prime Minister Conte promised” maximum attention “from the government, while President Mattarella ensured” proximity to the territory. “
“Worse than the flood of 94” – Unlike 1994, the violence of nature fell in less time. Cuneo, Biellese and Verbano, in Piedmont, and western Liguria are the most affected areas, but also the rest of Liguria and the Aosta Valley have not been spared from flooded rivers, displaced, landslides, floods and landslides everywhere by roads. Suspended rail traffic between Vercelli and Novara, on the historic Turin-Milan line, where the Sesia River is flooded.
The victims – Valdostana was the first victim, Rinaldo Challancin, 53, foreman of the Arnad volunteer firefighters. A plant collapsed at night, during a rescue intervention in the lower valley village, accessible only from the provincial road because the Turin-Aosta highway was interrupted in Quincinetto (Turin) due to the flooding of the Dora. Samuel Pregnolato, a 36-year-old Quarona motorist, also died in the Vercelli area. He was in the car with his 20-year-old brother, who managed to save himself. The Sesia has swallowed the provincial 105 and with the asphalt he also took his car. Missing for a few hours, his body was found in the car when it was too late. “I want to remember the victims of bad weather and express my solidarity with their families,” said Mattarella.
The missing – The appeal is missing a margaró, who fell with his car into a stream in the Cuneo area, according to his brother, and a hunter from the province of Brescia in the area of Lomellina, on the border with the province of Vercelli. He took refuge in an abandoned farmhouse that was later flooded by the Sesia. Many more disappeared before firefighters crossed the Alps to recover 19 Italians and two Germans trapped in Vievola, in the Red Valley, a stone’s throw from our country by helicopter.
Wind at 100 kilometers per hour and landslide in the Bergamo area – Gusts of more than 100 kilometers per hour were recorded above two thousand meters of altitude in the Bergamo area. The wind characterized the weather throughout the province on Friday night: more than a hundred millimeters of rain on the Bergamo Orobie. Due to bad weather, provincial road 24 in Foppacalda, in the municipality of Val Brembilla, was closed due to a landslide: the road is unusable by decision of the Val Brembilla City Council.
It will take weeks to estimate the material damage., but they are still huge. At least thirty million euros in Liguria according to Governor Toti, much more in Piedmont, where the flooding of the rivers devastated in particular Limone, Garessio and Ormea, in the province of Cuneo, and the Cervo Valley in the province of Biella, where Cittadellarte was, the foundation created by Michelangelo Pistoletto, was also damaged. Under water also the Vercellese, and a piece of the province of Novara, where a bridge collapsed in Romagnano Sesia. A few hours earlier, Facebook had reopened live, but could not withstand the rising river.
At least two died in France – At least two people were killed in the storms and floods that hit southeastern France. Some are also missing. Several houses have been destroyed or damaged, while the municipality of Saint-Martin-Vèsubie is isolated from the rest of the world. The fury of the waters also destroyed a bridge.