Coronavirus Campania, the Region publishes the wedding protocol for weddings and events


The Crisis Unit of the Campania Region has developed the anti-dissemination protocol for weddings and ceremonies Sars-Cov-2, or the rules to respect during this type of event. Among the established rules, the impossibility of organizing buffets, the obligation to assign seated seats and to always wear masks when not at the table and the prohibition of dancing and carrying out any type of activity that involves gatherings. As of Monday, October 5, as provided by Ordinance number 76 of the Campania Region, it will be possible again hold receptions with more than 20 participants, provided that the protocol rules are respected; measurements are valid until Tuesday, October 20.

Organizers of events and receptions and administrators of accommodation venues and facilities must contact the Crisis Unit of the Campania Region (to the email address [email protected]) every 7 days “the calendar of events scheduled for the following week, so that they can be sent to the police and the competent Health Department for controls of their respective competence with regard to compliance with the prescribed preventive measures “. The full text of the protocol is available at this link.

Among the standards provided, compliance with the minimum distances between users and between tables: one meter between people (back to back) and between tables, and no more than 6 people can sit at the same table (with the exception provided exclusively for tables where people will coexist). The distances must be indicated with the appropriate horizontal signs and, if it is not possible to respect them, it will be necessary to use protection barriers of at least 1.60 meters high.

Whenever possible, outdoor locations should be preferred and, in any case, environments should be previously disinfected. Buffet receptions will be prohibited in any case. (Table service by dining room staff is allowed, including drinks).

Rules for weddings in Campania: banned dances and buffets

At the entrance to the guests, which must be adjusted by the staff to avoid meetings, the temperature will be detected (with access not allowed if it is higher than 37.5 degrees) and it will be mandatory to wear a mask at all times, except when sitting on your own. table. Also, dancing is prohibited. and any form of celebration that leads to meetings.

Those responsible for the structure where the reception takes place must designate a person in charge, who must “personally respond to the implementation of all security measures and prevention of contagion risk in kitchens and in all phases of food preparation and administration , as well as in the activity of the waiters and room staff “and of a manager who will be” called to personally respond for compliance with the rules of interpersonal distancing and other safety rules by the participants at the reception. “
