Covid and schools, new positive case: Veroli primary school student


Covid 19 increasingly attacks the world of schools, in which, as announced yesterday by national health authorities, there are more than a thousand schools with infected inside and about 150 closed throughout the territory. A situation that also closely affects Ciociaria, where many educational institutions are affected by the virus due to the reopening of classrooms. To these there is now also a school in Veroli. It was recently announced by Mayor Simone Cretaro, with a post on social media in which he wrote:

“Dear fellow citizens,
Unfortunately yesterday the first case of positivity to Covid-19 by an elementary school student in Colleberardi was verified. The student in question, who has never used the school transport service, had been at home for several days due to illness and, before returning to the #class, he was subjected to the tests required by the current protocols, which confirmed his positivity. .

In the morning, the ASL of Frosinone began the epidemiological investigation, making swabs to the teachers and classmates of the student who tested positive and also ordered her home isolation.
The school will be sanitized tomorrow morning to allow lessons to safely resume for all other classes on Monday. We face this situation in the usual spirit of collaboration with all the other institutions involved, with the priority of protecting and safeguarding the health of the entire community.

Currently in the rest of our territory there are 6 cases of our fellow citizens who tested positive for Covid-19, to whom I address, together with our young student, my best wishes for a speedy recovery. The invitation I extend to everyone is to keep the level of care high because our behavior remains fundamental: we must all commit ourselves to scrupulously respecting the prevention rules that, for months, we have heard repeated every day, wearing the mask during the day . full day even outdoors.
Thank you all.
