
At 3:54 p.m. on Saturday, October 3, the Pope signed the encyclical “Fratelli tutti” on the tomb of Saint Francis, the third of his pontificate and before recent times to be signed outside Rome. The text will be released officially tomorrow after the Pope’s Angelus, but a Spanish website has anticipated it in violation of the embargo. Francisco arrived at the Sacred Convent around 3 in the afternoon, crossed the square in front of the Lower Basilica and greeted hundreds of faithful present from the open window. Then the car entered through the entrance door of the Sacred Convent and the Pope immediately went to the crypt.

The Pope’s arrival in Assisi – Vatican Media
The Pontiff began celebrating at 3:18 p.m. and ended at 3:52 p.m.. The mass took place at the tomb of the patron saint of Italy, whose liturgical memorial takes place tomorrow, October 4. The cardinal was present at the ceremony Agostino Vallini, delegate of the Pontifical Basilicas and the Bishop of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino, Archbishop Domenico Sorrentino, which however do not concelebrate. The mayor of Assisi was also present, Stefania proietti and a score of men and women religious. The Pope did not deliver the homily, but after reading the Gospel he sat for several minutes in deep memory. A gesture with which he evidently wanted to “hug” the whole world, their needs in this era of coronavirus, economic inequalities, wars, climatic imbalances that must be corrected with good policies, the migratory phenomenon. All the situations that he denounced with his magisterium in these years of pontificate and that as of today it will not be difficult to find even in the encyclical “All Brothers”.
At the time of signing, the Pontiff wanted to be by his side while he was still wearing the liturgical vestments. Don Paolo Braida, in charge of the translations and speeches of the Pope, in the first section of the Secretary of State, and two of the translators of the encyclical from the original Spanish. A gesture, he explained, to thank all his collaborators in the first section. Before leaving, Francesco greeted the friars of the Sacred Convent in the cloister of Sixtus IV, chatted with them for about twenty minutes and tasted the mate prepared for him by the bursar Father Jorge, naturally Argentine. Greetings and encouragement also to Mayor Proietti. “Go ahead, pray for me,” he told her. Around 4.30 pm, the papal procession left the Sacred Convent, touring the streets of Assisi to the applause of the faithful.
At the end of the visit the father’s comment Mauro gambetti It was: “On the day of the transit of Saint Francis, the Pope gives us the encyclical that, like a ship, can carry our world towards a landing place of peace and full happiness, for all.” The visit was attended by the General Minister of the Conventual Friars Minor, Father Carlos Trovarelli and the general ministers of all the Franciscan families.
Two unscheduled events for the morning.. Pope Francis visited the Valle Gloria Monastery in Spello. Around 11 o’clock, Francisco touched the Poor Clares by surprise, as had happened in the past, and stopped to pray with them.
A group of faithful was waiting for him outside the convent. The Pontiff entered the courtyard of the monastery with his car and the nuns joined him. Here he stopped for lunch and continued by car to Assisi. He arrived in town, the second unscheduled. Visit to the church of Santa Chiara.