Outdoor masks, curfew to keep nightlife under control, limiting the number of people indoors – these are just some of the measures the government is considering to contain the coronavirus infection. The epidemic curve continues to grow and, according to experts, the number of new positives will continue to increase in the coming weeks, as millions of Italians have returned to normal life with the reopening of schools and the resumption of activities after the holidays of summer. For this reason, Parliament will be asked to extend the state of emergency until January 31, 2021 and new rules will be introduced in the decree, but the list of countries at risk will also be updated and Greece, which has a better situation than summer. The objective is to keep the epidemic under control so as not to aggravate the situation in health facilities.
Protections and 1 meter distance
Face masks, frequent hand washing and a safety distance of at least one meter. The fundamental rules do not change, but the new Dpcm that the head of government will sign on Wednesday and that the Minister of Health will present in Parliament on Tuesday will contain a squeeze, because the spike in infections has triggered the red alert.
Stadiums and shows
A delicate step that concerns the limitation of the public, a restriction that concerns shows, sports and more. Abroad, it will not be possible to gather more than a thousand people at a time, strictly spaced: a measure that concerns street demonstrations, but also stadiums. The football government does not change its mind, the limit of stadiums is still 1000 spectators. Inside (cinemas, theaters, concert halls) the limit of 200 people may not be exceeded and this measure also applies to private initiatives, such as weddings. The reduction of seats in theaters worries those inside. Agis wrote to Conte and Minister Franceschini, asking that a sector already seriously affected by the pandemic not be “brought to its knees” and that “the real capacity of the rooms and the possibility of a greater presence compared to the planned one.”
Outdoor masks
It was the Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa who anticipated the possibility of introducing the obligation of outdoor masks as is already the case in many Regions, and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte confirmed that this measure is being evaluated. We must ensure that the enormous sacrifice made as a country yields permanent results. If today Italy boasts numbers so different from the rest of Europe because we have been rigorous. Faced with a recovery, many mayors and regional presidents are moving in this direction, Zampa stressed. Outdoor masks would be used primarily to avoid contact between children at school and at night in meeting places. In this case, fines would be introduced as in Lazio, from 500 to 3,000 euros.
Curfew and private parties
If the curve were to increase, the government could decide to close the premises open to the public at 10 p.m. or 11 p.m., but also limit access to the closed places to a maximum number of people. A limitation that, in the case of a really high number, could be extended to individuals. This is an extreme measure that could become necessary – as happened in other European countries – if the number of hospitalized patients also increased.
October 3, 2020 (change October 3, 2020 | 4:16 PM)