Coronavirus Marche, mandatory masks even outdoors


Mandatory masks even outdoors, not just after 6pm but throughout the day in crowded situations. Governor Francesco Acquaroli announced it after the summit at Palazzo Raffaello with regional health authorities. “This morning I met with regional health leaders at Palazzo Raffaello. We took stock of the Covid trend in our region. In addition to the measures already in force, we have decided to issue an ordinance that extends, as of midnight today, the obligation to use the outdoor mask, in case of meetings, throughout the day. By meeting, we mean any agglomeration with more than 2 people where it is not possible to maintain a safety distance of at least one meter, “wrote Acquaroli on his Facebook profile.

Outdoor masks, the words of Acquaroli | VIDEO HERE

The details

The announcement is then followed by the official press release of the Marche Region, where Acquaroli himself explained that the ordinance will have value: “outdoors, in spaces belonging to places and premises open to the public, as well as in spaces public (squares, open spaces, streets, walks, etc.) in the event of gatherings, even spontaneous or occasional. The obligation for children under 6 years of age, for those with pathologies incompatible with the use of the mask and during the exercise of motor and / or sports activities. The intention is not to sanction, but to hold all citizens responsible “.

Quick swabs to school

“Asur has equipped itself with fast buffers that can be used in the coming days for suspected cases even in schools to shorten response times – continues the note – attention is very high in the school sector: October 18 is se set the deadline for evaluating the real consequences after the start of the classroom lessons at the national and regional levels. “

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The Covid Center

Regarding the Covid Center in Civitanova Marche: «Without ideological prejudices – explained Acquaroli – we will carry out a constant technical evaluation with the operators and establish the criteria from which to evaluate the possible reopening. At the moment the situation is still under control: there are 4 patients hospitalized in intensive care and 2 in subintensive care. In any case, we have verified that two modules of the Covid Center, with 28 beds, are ready for use, the surveillance system is active and the machinery is constantly monitored. The structure is there, we hope it will not be useful, but if it does, we will use it.
