Coronavirus in Italy, today’s bulletin October 3: 2,844 new cases and 27 deaths


In Italy, since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, at least 322,751 people (+ 2,844 * compared to yesterday, + 0.9%; yesterday +2,499) have contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Of these, 35,968 died (+27, + 0.1%; yesterday +23) and 231,217 (+1,247, + 0.5%; yesterday +1,126) were discharged. Currently the positive subjects of which there is certainty are 55,566 (+1,569, + 2.9%; yesterday +1,350); the count increases to 322,751, as mentioned above, if there are also dead and cured people in the calculation, counting all the people who have tested positive for the virus since the beginning of the epidemic.

me tampons They were 118,932 (1,369 less than yesterday, which had been 120,301).

There are 3,205 hospitalized patients with symptoms (+63, + 2%; yesterday +45), of which 297 in intensive care (+3, + 1%; yesterday +3).

This is the map of contagion in Italy, this in the world. Here the bulletins of the last days.

The cases Region by Region

The data provided below, and broken down by Region, are the total cases (number of people positive since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). In the photo above you can see that of the currently positive subjects. The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours.

Lombardy 107,751 (+393, ​​+ 0.4%; yesterday +307)
Emilia-Romagna 35,743 (+ 167 *, + 0.5%; yesterday +163)
Piedmont 36,010 (+279, + 0.8%; yesterday +219)
Veneto 28,363 (+276, + 1%; yesterday +191)
March 8,084 (+59, + 0.7%; yesterday +42)
Liguria 13,748 (+162, + 1.2%; yesterday +140)
Campania 13,925 (+401, + 3%; yesterday +392)
Tuscany 15,391 (+197, + 1.3%; yesterday +223)
Sicily 7,596 (+182 ***, + 2.4%; yesterday +140)
Lazio 17,265 (+261, + 1.5%; yesterday +264)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 4840 (+51, + 1.1%; yesterday +66)
Abruzzo 4,540 (+42, + 0.9%; yesterday +49)
Puglia 8,083 (+111, + 1.4%; yesterday +72)
Umbria 2,604 (+42, + 1.6%; yesterday +62)
Bolzano 3,613 (+24, + 0.7%; yesterday +21)
Calabria 2,044 (+ 24 **, + 1.2%; yesterday +18)
Sardinia 4,118 (+62, + 1.5%; yesterday +60)
Valle d’Aosta 1,326 (no new cases; yesterday +11)
Trento 6,141 (+62, + 1%; yesterday +39)
Molise 660 (no new cases; yesterday +4)
Basilicata 906 (+49, + 5.7%; yesterday +16)

Deaths Region by Region

The figure provided below, and divided by Region, is the total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths registered in the last 24 hours.

Lombardy 16,969 (+5, yesterday +4)
Emilia-Romagna 4,485 (+1, yesterday there were no new deaths)
Piedmont 4,166 (no new deaths, yesterday +1)
Veneto 2,193 (+4, yesterday +6)
March 991 (+1, no new deaths yesterday)
Liguria 1,609 (+1, yesterday there were no new deaths)
Campania 465 (+1, yesterday +1)
Tuscany 1,166 (+1, yesterday there were no new deaths)
Sicily 317 (+3, yesterday +2)
Lazio 933 (+5, yesterday +5)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 353 (no new deaths, yesterday +2)
Abruzzo 481 (no new deaths, like yesterday)
Puglia 598 (+1, yesterday +1)
Umbria 85 (no new deaths, like yesterday)
Bolzano 292 (no new deaths, like yesterday)
Calabria 100 (no new deaths, like yesterday)
Sardinia 155 (no new deaths, like yesterday)
Valle d’Aosta 146 (no new deaths, like yesterday)
Trento 406 (no new deaths, like yesterday)
Molise 25 (+1, no new kills yesterday)
Basilicata 33 (+3, yesterday +1)

*The Emilia Romagna Region reports that after verifying the data reported in recent days, 1 case was eliminated from Modena for not being considered COVID-19. Therefore, the total of positive cases reported yesterday is corrected: correct number 35,576.

** The Calabria Region reports that of the 24 currently positive, 4 are migrants.

*** The Region of Sicily reports that of the 182 new positives, there are 2 migrant guests in the Lampedusa hotspot.

October 3, 2020 (change October 3, 2020 | 17:21)

