LECCE – 111 swabs tested positive for Covid-19, according to the Oct. 3 regional bulletin. Of these 11 are associated with the province of Lecce (8 are isolated migrants in structures) which amounts to 818 (0.8 of the resident population) since the “official” start of the epidemic, at the end of February.
From Monday to today, 472 new confirmed cases in Apulia have been: regional technicians have provided their reports on the epidemiological trend to the Department of Health Promotion of the Apulia Region and during the next few hours there could be a tightening in prevention with the obligation to wear masks every time you leave the house, therefore also outdoors. The measure is already a reality in other regions and could also be extended to the entire country.
The swabs processed in the regional laboratories were 3,918, with a positive result rate equal to 2.8 percent (it is higher if we consider the number of “new” swabs and not those repeated in already infected patients). The number of hospitalized has increased by two units and is equal to 238: 11 are in intensive care. One death was recorded in the province of Bari, for a total of 598 (fatality rate 7.4 percent regionally). The number of cured has increased today by 12 units compared to yesterday (total 4,724). Those of the current positives are 2,761.
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