
There are more than 1,200 positives in schools after the first campaign and more than 130 institutions that have already closed: the number of infections is growing day by day, as are classes that are forced to abandon face-to-face lessons to return to school. online teaching. The school, officially reopened on September 14, inevitably brought together millions of students and teachers. After ten days, all those children who attend high schools who have decided to postpone the opening have returned to class precisely to guarantee a safe start. COVID-19. But, looking at the data relating to these first weeks of school, the alert is raised. In fact, since the beginning of the lessons, there are around a thousand schools affected by one or more cases of positivity.
One positive for Mamiani, class in quarantine “15% increase in distance learning”
Rome, fear of Covid in schools: infected in 81 institutions. Manara High School closed
Since September 14, 524 new cases have been registered within the institutes, from 24 onwards, 666 cases have been registered, as revealed by a daily updated counter developed by two very young statisticians, Vittorio Nicoletta and Lorenzo Ruffino, the first researcher, the second university: they have developed a monitoring system with which they collect all the information that comes from the school world. “Probably – explains Ruffino – therefore, these are underestimated data. In fact, not all cases are reported, we have many difficulties in gathering information from the Regions and Local Health Authorities. Each is understood. There are no official accountants, there are only private shares, and not only in Italy: the same is also true abroad. But it is work that, although it cannot reach all cases of positivity, helps to give an idea of the progress of infections: we are in the 70 schools involved every day ”.
Covid Foggia, 5 positive children: schools closed and 70 isolated students in S. Giovanni Rotondo
The Ministry of Education is also collecting data, since last Monday, through the reports sent by school directors on the cases of positives among schools: they will be ready next week as there are schools that have not yet responded. According to the accountant of the two university students, in 77% of the cases they are students, the positivity among teachers affects 11% of the cases. And at least 131 schools have decided to close for safety reasons. According to experts, the real effect of the reopening of schools on infections will be seen in mid-October, when the cases could be many more. In fact, at this time it is also difficult to understand if the presence of multiple positive students in a school is the result of an outbreak or if, on the other hand, it is unique cases that have come into contact with the virus in separate situations. For now, the confirmed outbreaks are 87.
Covid in Rome, with tests in schools we start from Manara: from 400 students, 5 false positives
Identifying similar situations is essential to understand if the anti-Covid measures adopted between banks are working or if, instead, it is necessary to intervene to adapt them to the new situation. It is enough to remember that the possibility of removing the mask from the counter, with the spacing, was established only at the end of August precisely on the basis of the contagion curve. Therefore, the measures should be studied based on the emergency. The Higher Institute of Health assures that in the school week from September 21 to 27, 14 outbreaks were reported in which transmission could have occurred in the school environment: “The first outbreaks were reported where transmission could have occurred in the intra-school environment – the experts explain – it is still essential to maintain attention on the measures introduced to prevent intra-school transmission ». Namely, the use of the mask., the detection of the daily temperature and the correct management of symptomatic suspected cases. The school, in fact, as expected, could become one of the places with the highest risk of transmission of the virus. And teaching does not help at all: a class in quarantine (and there are already hundreds) represents a problem for the whole school because all the teachers in the class must remain isolated and cannot be present to give lectures in others. lessons. At that point, they must be replaced by understudies, overloading the already painfully complicated appointments that have started stumbling lessons across Italy.
Therefore, to avoid problems, we go online: in fact, high schools are increasing and deciding to move their lessons to the distance as required by the guidelines. But then the option of proceeding with the elections of the collegiate bodies and the representatives of the institute through the face-to-face vote between October and November is disconcerting. Principals say they are concerned: “We get a lot of phone calls from struggling peers,” reports the school leaders association.