TANARO COMPLETO – The bottom of the valley is closed: the height of the Tanaro is more than 6 meters. Whole villages evacuated


The Tanaro is in full flood: after being flooded in Garessio and Ceva, it is now swelling under Bastia and Clavesana. From 4.30 tonight sp 12 Fondovalle Tanaro, from Bastia to Monchiero, was closed. During the night, the Tanaro flooded Garessio. There full of Tanaro passed Ceva between 3 and 4, reaching a maximum of 6.72 meters at the Piantorre de Lesegno switchboard. It was flooded in Nucetto, in the Gurej area, then in Ceva also in the area of ​​sports fields. Now the Tanaro is more than 6 meters high between Clavesana and Farigliano.

Closed roads

Due to persistent rains, the Province of Cuneo has ordered the closure of some provincial sections:

SP 251 pass of Colle dell’Agnello – State border
SP 301 Entracque – Tronco San Giacomo from km 5 (crossing of the Ruins)
SP 154 section Ponte di Nava – Viozene from km 1 + 600
SP 278 Trunk Vernante – Folchi on the bridge over the Vermenagna stream (in Vernante)
SP 255 section Empalme SS 21-Pratolungo-S. Anna di Vinadio-Colle Lombarda (state border)
SP 239 section 1: S. Anna di Valdieri – Terme di Valdieri
SP 232 locality Corsaglia – Fontane
SP 35 Serra – Pamparato
SP 60 Bridge over the Tanaro river in Piantorre di Castellino Tanaro
SP 60 Bridge over the Corsaglia stream in Prata di Lesegno
SP 164 Casotto valley floor
SP 101 Ceva – Mombasiglio
SP 34 Mombasiglio – Lisio
SP 218 Bridge over the Corsaglia stream in the municipality of San Michele Mondovì
SP 12 Remolino Bridge over the Tanaro River in the municipalities of Cigliè and Niella Tanaro
SP 12 Bridges over the Tanaro river included in the tr: Bastia Mondovì – Novello

Villages evacuated

In Bastia, the houses around the sports field were evacuated in the middle of the night. In Clavesana the mayor ordered the immediate evacuation of the inhabitants of Borgate Gorretti, Gerino and La Prà. Same operation in Carrù in Municipality of Reculata. The Farigliano Administration writes: “Once the red danger level is exceeded, pay close attention, do not travel, the roads are closed.”
