Florence, October 2, 2020 – The Tuscany It is the second in Italy for the number of schools with at least one student positive for the coronavirus. First is the Lombardy with 219 schools. Follow Tuscany with 107 schools. Third is theEmilia romagna with 99 institutes.
This is reported by the monitoring carried out by Vittorio Nicoletta, PhD student at the Universite ‘Laval of Quebec City (Canada), and Lorenzo ruffino, Economics student at the University of Turin and contributor to Politics Pagella. Among these, at least 87 are the schools where outbreaks have occurred, while in another 81 researchers, press news, were able to exclude the presence of outbreaks. That is, they are unique cases with zero positive contacts.
The rate of spread of the virus in schools appears to be increasing slightly: in the ten days beginning on September 14 (the day on which the vast majority of the Regions institutions reopened) by the 23rd, 429 schools were reported, while in the eight days from September 24 to October 1 there are already 472 schools who have had cases of covid-19, about fifty more than in the previous period. As of October 3, the excess of cases could exceed 100.
“The schools in Italy – recalls Vittorio Nicoletta – are about 65 thousand, so about 900 schools with positives is a small number in comparison. However, it must be remembered that some schools started on 9/14, but many others on 9/24, so it is too early to assess transmission in the school setting. Furthermore, ours is a very partial study with limited resources: an official follow-up is urgently needed. “
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