Conte: “Yes to the extension of the state of emergency, but it does not mean a new blockade” [VIDEO]



“In Italy the situation is comparatively better than in other countries, but we must all be aware that we have an ongoing pandemic. The numbers should push us to keep the threshold of attention very high ”.

The prime minister says so Giuseppe Conte at a press conference in Brussels.

“We have strengthened the health system, we chose to do many tests, we have basic precautionary measures that allow us to also tackle this phase”he adds.

Still: “I announce that a campaign has started, to which all the newspapers, public and private, have joined to promote the dissemination of the Immuni app. While optional, it is certainly a moral obligation to participate in this program. The data remains anonymous, geolocation is disabled “.

Then: “The decision to force the use of masks outdoors has just been adopted by some regions: they considered the critical situation. We are constantly updated with the Minister of Health and the CTS experts. We will once again face the Regions and decide whether to extend the obligation to all of Italy. At the moment we have not approved any measure in this regard ”.

On the state of emergency: “We are in a state of emergency, but that does not mean that we are experiencing a blockade or that someone is abusing all the powers. Simply the state of emergency allows us to have a series of powers and faculties necessary to keep the civil protection machine standing, of the extraordinary commissioner Arcuri, of the executing subjects, the temporary structure for the sick, to recruit the work group of the medical staff. We will request an extension of the state of emergency. We have not yet approved it because we want a confrontation with Parliament: the proposal is to extend the state of emergency until January 31 ”.

