Covid, Rt about one. “Risk of rapid deterioration”


Covid, Rt about one.  Risk of rapid deterioration

“A relaxation of the measures, in particular for events and initiatives with risk of aggregation in public and private places, and of individual behaviors, also linked to moments of extemporaneous aggregation, there is a real risk that an epidemic will rapidly worsen“Of the Covid-19 in Italy. This is the warning issued by the Higher Institute of Health (Iss) and the Ministry of Health, in the report for the period 21-27 September, with data updated to 29.” Local transmission of the virus. The spread throughout the national territory -explain the experts- causes outbreaks of even significant dimensions, especially in the domestic sphere. It is still essential – reiterate the ISS and the ministry – to maintain a high awareness of the general population about the worsening of the epidemiological situation and on the importance of continuing to strictly comply with all the necessary measures to reduce the risk of transmission such as hand washing, the use of masks and physical distancing ”. The situation described in this report – experts are still analyzing – highlights important warning signs related to an increase in local transmission. For now, the data confirm the convenience of new prevention and control measures adopted by the Autonomous Regions / Provinces, and invite, again this week, to be prepared to activate new interventions in case of deterioration ”.

L’RT– The report also shows that in the period 10-23 September 2020 the contagion index Rt calculated on symptomatic cases and equal to 1.01 (95% confidence interval 0.88-1.08). There are 12 Autonomous Regions and Provinces with an Rt greater than 1 this week, of which 7 have a credibility interval that does not include one.

SCHOOL – “This week was Fourteen outbreaks were also reported “in Italy” where the transmission may have occurred in a school setting, although currently it is not always confirmed. In the next few weeks it will be better assess the impact of infections in schools“.” The first outbreaks in which transmission could have occurred in the intra-school setting have been reported – experts explain – Although the impact of these outbreaks on local transmission of the virus is contained until now, it is still essential to maintain attention on the measures introduced in preventing intra-school transmission such as screening, daily temperature measurement by families and compliance with procedures for the management of suspected symptomatic cases in the school environment ”.

DIFFUSIONThe Sars-CoV-2 virus “circulates throughout the country today. An increase in new cases reported in Italy for the ninth consecutive week is confirmed, with a cumulative incidence of 34.2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the period 14-27 September, compared to 31.4 / 100,000 inhabitants in the period September 7-20. This week is observed a slight increase in the mean age of the cases (42 years versus 41 the previous week)“.” 8 Autonomous Regions / Provinces reported an increase in the number of diagnosed cases compared to the previous week – the experts continue – This week the percentage of new cases imported from abroad continues to decrease (5.7% vs 8% last week) and other Region / Pa (1.7% vs 3.3%). On the other hand, the percentage of cases detected through contact tracing activities remained stable (35.8% of new cases) and there was a slight increase in the percentage of cases detected through screening activities (28.2% vs 27.6%). Last week). 29.6% of the cases were identified by the appearance of symptoms and in 6.5% the diagnosis was not reported ”.

IMMUNE – “It is still essential that the population maintain behaviors that reduce the risk of transmission“Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus, such as” distance, hand washing, mask and meeting avoidance, in all contexts. “The report also invites citizens to download the Immune App.” The monitoring of cases and their contacts, and the consequent reduction in the time between the onset of infection and isolation, experts warn, continue to be essential elements to control the spread of the infection. The increase in outbreaks and cases not associated with transmission chains highlights the important and growing commitment of local services (Prevention Departments) to ensure that outbreaks present are identified and investigated promptly. “In this sense,” Strengthening, also through the use of technological tools such as the Immuni App, of these services in the activities of diagnosis and search for contacts in order to identify early all transmission chains and ensure efficient management of cases and contacts, including quarantine. close contacts and immediate isolation of secondary cases ”. The report reiterates “the need to comply with the quarantine measures and other measures recommended by the health authorities, both for people who return from countries for which the quarantine is planned, both at the request of the health authority having been identified as contacts close to a case “.” Although the services have landed so far, they have managed to contain the local transmission of the virus – Iss and the Ministry of Health still highlight – an exceptional workload is repeatedly reported in the activities of timely contact management, which is also reflected in the unrelated activities to this emergency ”. The population is recommended to “pay special attention to the risk of contracting the infection in all cases of non-compliance with the recommended measures and during periods of stay in countries or areas with greater viral circulation”. In these cases, it is suggested “to pay special attention in a responsible manner to the rules of behavior to prevent the transmission of Sars-CoV-2, in particular towards the most vulnerable groups of the population”.

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