the influenza vaccine in Lazio It will no longer be mandatory for those over 65 as established by Tar challenging the order with which the president of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti, on April 17, had provided for the obligation to vaccinate the population over 65 against the flu, under pain of prohibition from going to places of possible meetings such as social centers or nursing homes.
The TAR accepted the appeal presented by the Code Association regional and Lazio. “The emergency legislation of the Covid does not allow similar regional interventions on mandatory vaccinations,” reads the TAR ruling, and “the provisions on hygiene and health, as well as civil protection, do not contain provisions that may authorize regions to adopt this type of ordinance when the phenomenon assumes, as in the present case, a national importance ”.
Heavy the statements of the administrative judges when in the judgment they point out that “the constitutional order does not tolerate regional interventions of this type, essentially aimed at altering certain difficult balances reached by the organs of central power” and adds “their implementation is not part of the regional sphere of competence but, in any case, only in the state -explains the TAR- to the latter is attributed, therefore, all the competence and responsibility, even of a political nature, regarding the decision to introduce or not to introduce obligations of this type ”.
“Nothing changes for us, more than the formal aspect we are interested in the substantial one,” commented the Lazio Region Health Councilor Alessio D’Amato, “We have to work for the broader vaccination coverage” against the flu. “We knew that the ordinance had some elements of difficulty because they are acts that are the responsibility of the State. We believe that it is useful for the Government to reflect on the obligation. At this stage we are interested in administering 2.4 million doses of vaccine already obtained ”.