The government promotes the dissemination of the Immuni application: Among the tools put in place to deal with the increase in infections is the campaign to promote the use of the application to the monitoring of the positives to the coronavirus that from mid-October will dialogue with their counterparts in Europe. The initiative, launched from October 5 to 11, “was joined by all newspapers, public and private,” underlines Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who does not hesitate to define “A moral obligation to participate in this program. The data remains anonymous, geolocation is disabled,” he stresses.
According to the latest data, 6.7 million people have downloaded Immuni, which is currently used by around 18% of the Italian population between 14 and 75 years old. who owns a smartphone: a percentage that is far from the 60% target for the system to be effective in containing the pandemic.
“Downloading Immuni is a moral duty towards others”, also insists the Minister of Culture, Dario Franceschini.
Fieg was ready for the invitation: “Daily and periodic information on paper and online promotes the use of the Immuni application and confirms its role as a service to the public, inviting readers to engage in active and virtuous behavior,” says Andrea Riffeser Monti. After carrying out “an important activity to combat the pandemic with correct, verified and reliable news”, the editors are at the forefront “also to carry out a fundamental function of training tool for active and responsible citizens”.
The newspapers that during the weekend will send a message to citizens to download Immuni receive the applause of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, and the Undersecretary of Publications, Andrea Martella: “We believe that the press can help broaden the audience of citizens equipped with this technological tool in order to prevent the risk of contagion. We are at a crucial point in the battle against the coronavirus and having this application also means removing the risk of new restrictions that would negatively impact the country at the time of restart. “
In the political world there is no lack of resistance: “I do not overturn anything”, the leader of the FdI group opens in the Chamber, Francesco Lollobrigida, who rather asks “precise information on the conduct and actions of the government precisely in terms of transparency and responsibility “. “The battle against the coronavirus, let’s do it together, majorities and minorities.
Downloading the Immuni application means having an additional protection tool on your mobile phone “, answers the leader of the Pd group at Palazzo Madama Andrea Marcucci.