Rt above 1 in 11 regions, risk of rapid deterioration


Covid Italia, Iss: Rt above 1 in 11 regions, risk of rapid deterioration

the COVID-19 circulates throughout the country and an increase in new cases reported in Italy for the ninth consecutive week. L ‘Rt index it is above 1 in 11 regions and 2 autonomous provinces. There is a «concrete risk of a rapid worsening of the epidemic». This is what the usual weekly monitoring of the Ministry of Health and Faculty of Health, which invites you to reinforce your antivirus checks also through the Immuni application.

There is a cumulative incidence in the last 14 days of 34.2 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants (period 14 / 9-27 / 9 against 31.4 per 100,000 inhabitants in the period 7 / 9-20 / 9). The average age of those infected is increasing: 42 years compared to 41 the previous week.

Rt index

In the period from 10 to 23 September 2020, the Rt calculated in symptomatic cases is equal to 1.01 (95% CI: 0.88 – 1.08). Piedmont (1.22), Campania with (1.19) and Sicily with (1.19) are the three regions with the highest contagion rate of Rt. In total, the regions that have exceeded the threshold value of one are currently 11 plus two autonomous provinces. The regions with the lowest value are Basilicata, Molise and Emilia Romagna.


However, “the national transmission rate at this particular point in the epidemic must be interpreted with caution – the report states.” In fact, the TR calculated on symptomatic cases, although it remains the most reliable indicator at the regional level and comparable in time to monitor transmissibility, could slightly underestimate the actual transmission of the virus at the national level. “

Covid Italia, today’s bulletin: stable infections (2,499) and 23 deaths. More than 120 thousand swabs, it is a record

Covid Italia, today’s newsletter October 2, 2020. There are 2,499 new cases of coronavirus in Italy, while today there are 23 deaths: data substantially in line with yesterday’s, when 2,548 infections and 24 deaths were recorded. 294 people are hospitalized in intensive care (+3).

Outbreaks in the workplace are on the rise

A total of 3,266 active outbreaks were reported, of which 909 were new, and both increased for the ninth consecutive week (2,868 active outbreaks were reported in the previous follow-up week, of which 832 were new). Fourteen outbreaks were also reported this week in which transmission may have occurred in the school setting, although this is not always confirmed currently. In the coming weeks, the impact of infections in schools will be better assessed.

The percentage of outbreaks that occurred in the family remains stable (76.5% of all active outbreaks compared to 76.1% the previous week). The percentage of outbreaks verified in the workplace increased (7.2% vs. 5.6% last week), while outbreaks associated with recreational activities decreased (4.5% vs. 6.3% the previous week ).

Covid, ISS report: intensive care is growing

«The cases of Covid 19 in our country continue to increase and the RT even slightly exceeds unity. There are sporadic outbreaks and cases in all Italian regions, demonstrating widespread transmission of the virus. Although hospital facilities are not overloaded, hospitalizations and ICUs are gradually increasing. It is recommended to maintain prudent behaviors: physical distancing, masks, hand washing and above all avoid assemblies of any kind “, comments Gianni Rezza, general director of the Ministry of Health Prevention, in the weekly monitoring of the ISS-Ministry.

At the national level, the number of hospitalized people continues to increase (2846 vs 2365 in the medical area, 254 vs 222 in intensive care on 9/27 and 9/20, respectively) and, consequently, the occupancy rates of hospitalizations in the area. medical and intensive care.

“Real risk of a rapid worsening of the epidemic”

The ISS records a greater burden on health services. A relaxation of measures, in particular for events and initiatives with risk of aggregation in public and private places, and of individual behaviors, also linked to moments of improvised aggregation, makes concrete the risk of a rapid worsening of the epidemic.

The current situation “highlights important red flags linked to an increase in local transmission. For now, the data confirm the suitability of the additional prevention and control measures adopted and invite us to be prepared to activate new interventions in the event of deterioration ”, reads the Iss report.

Immune App, campaign at the beginning

“It is important to strengthen, also through the use of technological tools such as the» Immuni app «, of the services in the diagnostic and contact search activities to identify all transmission chains early and ensure efficient management of cases and contacts, including the quarantine of close contacts and the immediate isolation of secondary cases ”, the report emphasizes.


The awareness week desired by the government to download the Immuni application will begin on Monday, October 5 and end on Sunday, the 11th. Campaign that was accompanied by the Palazzo Chigi communication office with a letter of invitation to the media. “Respect for you and others” is the title given to the awareness week. Last update: 20:00

