His football is inspiring sarriana, as he has often admitted. So writes today’s edition of the Gazzetta dello Sport in Rino Gattuso, with the rosy trying to analyze the tactical creed of the Napoli manager: “He revealed the “copy and paste”, applying Maurizio Sarri’s Napoli theories to his Milan, complete with ball possession and special attention to the defensive phase. Everything at the right speed to enhance offensive potential. The former Juventus coach gave soccer and entertainment lessons in his three years at Naples, but won nothing.
Gattuso’s approach, on the other hand, was immediately winning, the conquest of the Italian Cup had absolute value, if you only think about where it started. In eight months he turned Napoli upside down and he did it with great dedication. The 4-3-3 was his starting scheme, but there was also the moment of the 4-1-4-1, when he needed to contain the strength of his opponents and capitalize on the strength of his forwards to the maximum. , reboot expert.
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