Recently, the obligation in force throughout Lazio to wear the mask even outdoors (as well as in places and situations where it was already mandatory to do so) was officially announced, as we anticipated in the morning: the announcement was made during a videoconference of press held by the governor of the Lazio region, Nicola Zingaretti, and the regional health councilor, Alessio D’Amato.
The day was inaugurated precisely by D’Amato who announced the two decisions adopted by the Region: “In the first place – said the representative of the Board – the decision, taken in the technique and then implemented in the administrative, to introduce the It is mandatory to wear the mask also outdoors. With some exceptions: children under six years of age, people suffering from diseases incompatible with its use and those who carry out motor or other types of physical exercise. A necessary measure – added the commissioner – that we had announced some time ago, warning that if the positive cases had increased significantly, as unfortunately happened, this obligation would have been triggered. Today this index, after having dropped to 0.54, has risen to 1.09 and therefore it is essential to change the rhythm, also because we have noticed that most of the cases arise contexts where security measures fail, distancing and prevention ”.
D’Amato then spoke about the seasonal flu vaccine: “Lazio is the first Italian region to be equipped with significant reserves, 2.4 million doses, with which we can cover the majority affected: children from 6 months to six years and over 60. Vaccines are already being distributed, there are no difficulties or anxiety situations, everything is under control. Among other things, we cannot anticipate the administration of the vaccine too much to be prepared to face the flu spike that does not It is predictable. However, supplies are sufficient for everyone and there are no problems of any kind. A vaccine that is mandatory for those over 65 and for health professionals, while for others it is Highly recommended. For those who they are burdened by the compulsory vaccine I’ll be free. ”
So, Governor Nicola Zingaretti: “Everyone’s goal is to return to life and to do so it is necessary to overcome the misunderstanding that Covid does not exist and then respect all the rules, which are only four and very simple: wear a mask, observe distancing physical, wash hands and the environment frequently and avoid creating crowds and, where there are, avoid them and stay away from them as natural outbreaks are possible. In the period of confinement, a sense of responsibility is needed. And here I take an example from my colleague from Campania De Luca: “There is nothing more stupid than to wear the mask and then lower it or take it off completely when meeting a friend, an acquaintance a relative to talk”
Zingaretti then commented that all the police will control the obligation to wear a mask very strictly and continuously and that in case of non-compliance, very high fines will be imposed. Once again, an appeal to those responsible for public offices and owners of commercial establishments and catering companies: we respect and enforce security measures, always and by everyone: only then can we live again in complete serenity and security, for all . . For now, we do not foresee further measures, such as, for example, the containment of the hours of bars, restaurants, shops, pubs and the like. But in order not to do so, it is necessary for everyone to observe all the safety rules, I ask the restaurateurs to enforce the safety distance between one table and another and between customers, that they take the temperature at the entrance and at least one number number for each occupied table. The same is true for anyone else who runs businesses open to the public. ”
The videoconference ended a few minutes ago and at the end it was also recalled that, to be prepared to face any scenario and take the necessary measures in a very short time, the “state of national emergency” was extended until January 31. 2021.
Obligation to wear an outdoor mask throughout Lazio and heavy fines for violators, for those who will find themselves without a protective device. And the police have already been alerted with the specific task of carrying out continuous and strict controls everywhere, but with special attention to the “nightlife” places, where people gather and in any other place where there may be meetings. This is, in short, what the Lazio Governor Nicola Zingaretti and the Regional Health Minister Alessio D’Amato will announce at 11 a.m. at a press conference.
On the other hand, the two top health officials in the region had anticipated it in recent days: if the situation worsens and if the planned and recommended security measures are still not met, coercive and punitive measures will be adopted. So it was.
In addition, the Rt index in Lazio grows (the RT evaluates the contagion rate after the application of measures to contain the spread of the disease) and with it, obviously, the number of positives, more than 200 days with Lazio in the first places in Italy in terms of infections. That “estimated this week is 1.09,” says Alessio D’Amato. Who, as mentioned, had announced: “If it rises above 1 we will take action.” And so today an ordinance will be issued that requires the use of the mask even in outdoor places, which have now become uncontrolled vectors of contagion, especially in hot places of nightlife. At the press conference all the details will be announced, including the scope of the fines that are expected to be very high.
by: Editorial team
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