
We are not angry with Mayor Sala de Milan. Who is nice and has shown, when he ran the Expo trade, to be a skillful administrator. Rather we are very perplexed by the fashion, which he has maniacally increased, of bike lanes as if they were the solution to all the problems of the city. It has created too many of them throughout the metropolis, causing unprecedented chaos. The most sensational case, to name one, is that of Corso Buenos Aires, one of the commercial streets most frequented by pedestrians and various means of transport, the last of which, the most annoying is the scooter used by a gang of reckless people. This path, narrowed by the spaces reserved for pedalers – a stupid idea – has become hell since the end of summer. People no longer circulate even slowly. In practice, it is now a gut that strangles the Milanese and forces them to queue for a long time.

No one can park anymore on the sides where the wild cyclists who might think of participating in the Giro d’Italia rave, to which the stupid scooters – an army of madmen – give support to avoid the fluid traffic flow. Accidents are increasing in number, dead and injured as if it were raining, but the geniuses of the city council do not take useful measures. Rather. They work hard to complicate things by laying down new paths of death every day. Milan is turning into a great velodrome compared to the one that Vigorelli is now just a museum. We don’t understand why Sala fell in love with pedals. Perhaps it even occurred to her to do the Via de Montenapoleone and the Piazza della Scala, both to give the Lombard capital color connotations worthy of a village fair. We all miss Coppi and Bartali, however we remind Sala that the two aforementioned champions competed for the pink and yellow jersey in the Dolomites and the Pyrenees, not in Corso Venezia. Dear Mayor, get off the floor and stop being the fashionista chasing the shit of the moment to get a few more votes you won’t get.