He calls it “Udeur” to refer to a party that has no other social reason than to be in government. Alessandro Di Battista, broadcast in Piazza Pulita on La7, announces the break: “By doing so, we will move towards a weakened direction of the M5S and we will become a party like Udeur, perhaps better for the management of seats and races. That’s not what I fought for. ” It speaks of a “concentric attack launched with a single great objective, that of normalizing or breaking the M5”. And again: “Someone is afraid that I will become the political leader.” And this is where Di Battista wants to go. He is preparing his own motion to be presented to the States General to challenge himself for leadership or at least join the secretariat.
In the background is the limit of the double mandate. A rule that a large part of the 5 Star Movement wants to change. In particular, those whose second term is in progress. It is on this workhorse of the origins that the internal fracture of the 5Stelle is taking place and Di Battista, increasingly isolated, rides the call of the conscious identity to be able to leverage the “purists”, those who entered Parliament in 2018 Dibba looks at them to weigh himself within the Movement.
From Davide Aiello to Raphael Raduzzi, several deputies have sent tweets in defense of the role of the Rousseau platform and the limit of the two terms, certifying the emergence of a “branch” that, according to some circles of the Movement, could exceed 100 parliamentarians. Along these lines, as mentioned, Alessandro Di Battista, who met Davide Casaleggio this week, who today suffered a new attack. Another one, from the M5 group of the House that now wants to sign the divorce of the co-founder’s son.
The deputies are working on the new regulation to be adopted – the statute of the parliamentary group – to replace the one that is still in force. This morning there was an online meeting between the Grillini deputies, the work is well under way and the group is more or less compact. The element that emerges most strongly is that any reference to Rousseau disappears. In the draft, on the other hand, reference is made to the blogdellestelle – a window to the world of the Movement and heir to what was Beppe Grillo’s blog – but the end of its ‘monopoly’ is decreed. However, in the old regulation, in article 2, the blogdellestelle.it and the domain rousseau.movimento5stelle.it were recognized as “official tools for the dissemination of information”, both attributable to Davide Casaleggio, who is the administrator.
Another aspect that the group is trying to change is the election of the Board of Directors of the Chamber, which will expire at the end of the year. Last year his election turned into a gang war – it took him a good three months to change it, with heated disputes and clashes to choose president, vice president and treasurer, in addition to classroom delegates.
In addition, tomorrow will be released ‘Open Rousseau’, a free software created by a group of IT experts. But the Rousseau association does not fit: “Many still think that Rousseau is a tool, but it is not like that. Rousseau is an ecosystem, it is the ecology of the 5 Star Movement, it is a great civic design laboratory where forms of digital citizenship are put into practice, where it collaborates openly for its growth and a desired idea of governance is tested. by Gianroberto Casaleggio ”. Di Battista fits into this wake, according to whom there are people who push for collegiate leadership because there is a danger that I could become a political leader. This is the truth. “The former deputy tries to rejoin the game, tries to maintain contacts within the Movement, tries to count how many parliamentarians he has on his side. In short, he wants to return to the protagonist and lead the 5Stelle.