“Despite the efforts made by all health personnel, today the coronavirus has claimed another victim in Friuli Venezia Giulia. He is a Bengali citizen of 47 years resident in Staranzano and employed in a private company linked to the related industries of Fincantieri. After developing the disease, the man was initially hospitalized in Trieste in the department of infectious diseases and was then transferred, fifteen days ago, due to the worsening of the clinical picture, to the ward of Intensive Covid therapy at the Udine hospital. His condition became critical and sadly, he died today.“This was confirmed by the deputy governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Riccardo riccardi, highlighting that “the family of the deceased was quarantined just received confirmation of your positivity and swabbed. The tests showed the positive of the wife and one of three children, while the other two were negative ”. Riccardi later explained that “as required by Coronavirus containment procedures, all persons who came into contact with the positives were subjected to a swab, including kindergarten students and staff of Staranzano. These investigations, repeated on the thirteenth day, did not highlight more cases of Coronavirus“.
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