Veneto coronavirus today, covid newsletter October 1. Rise of the positive – Chronicle


Coronavirus, infection boom in Veneto on October 1 (Ansa)
Coronavirus, infection boom in Veneto on October 1 (Ansa)

Venice, October 1, 2020 – Rise in cases of Coronavirus in Veneto, with 445 new positives in a single day, a figure that brings the total to 27,896 since the start of the epidemic. There’s also 5 victims compared to yesterday (2,183 deaths in total).

For more information on Covid Italia: data and tables

As the Veneto region explained: “The number of new infected affects the registered outbreak among migrants guests offormer barracks of Zanusso a Oderzo, in the Treviso area. There are 90 positives, all isolated, while others are outbreaks of family or student origin, about eighty, discovered in the drive-in installed in the city in the customs area.

Meanwhile, Governor Zaia spoke today, with a note on his Facebook page, on the topic of infections at school: “Having gotten the green light from Rome, we will go out with quick swabs in schools. In the case of a positive student, the quick test will be taken directly to classmates. In this way we will avoid the confinement of all children and swabs in the Ulss access points ”.

