The second wave of coronavirus has arrived, but now it is less scary


Now it is really official: the second wave has also reached Italy. The total number of positives since the beginning of the epidemic has risen to 317,409 (+2,548 in the last 24 hours, yesterday they were 1,851). The healed are 228,844 (+1,140 in the last 24 hours, yesterday they were 1,198) and the dead 35,918 (+24, yesterday they were 19). This is clear from today’s bulletin, Thursday, October 1, released by the Ministry of Health. In Italy there are currently 52,647 positive cases (+1,384). Of these, 3,097 are hospitalized with symptoms and 291 in intensive care, while 49,259 are in home isolation. Veneto is the region that in the last 24 hours has registered the most positive cases with an infection boom (+445), followed by Campania and Lombardy that exceed three hundred daily infections. There are ten regions with a triple digit increase in infections and none of them have zero infections in the last 24 hours. 118,236 swabs have been made in Italy in the last 24 hours for a total of 11,452,158 since the start of the pandemic.

“There are many, and the territorial distribution gives us an image that we were used to in the spring months”. Giovanni Forti, 26, is a student of Economics at the University of Pisa and at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. Since 2018 he has been part of the YouTrend newsroom, where he deals with the editorial part, data analysis and data visualization production and on YouTrend he has written several articles about the Covid-19 pandemic: “Then the northwest was the place of main outbreaks: today the situation is very different – explains Forti to -. The contagion today is distributed throughout Italy: all regions have cases and only 8 provinces are without cases. And Campania and Veneto are the regions with more cases ”.

The latter is not entirely new …
Not currently. Campania has experienced more cases than anyone in days. Today’s strong growth confirms that trend. In Veneto there is the group of migrants in the Treviso barracks and the explosion of the Venice shipyard. But we are still talking about about 200 cases out of 445. The virus still circulates a lot throughout Veneto.

De Luca and Zaia, awarded in the vote for how they managed the first wave, are today presidents of the regions with the highest number of infections. Strange, huh?
Curiosity: Among the regions that are experiencing particularly high growth, however, there are five of the eight that had regional elections two weeks ago: Campania, Puglia, Liguria, Tuscany and Veneto. It is too early to speak of the “regional effect”, but in the absence of large outbreaks, one might think that there has been an increase in contagion also dictated by face-to-face voting.

Many cases, but also many tampons …
Almost 120 thousand, it is an absolute record. This is also a trend: in the last seven days we have been talking about 95 thousand tampons a day. However, there are some cases such as Campania, where the positivity rate in the number of tampons is almost 5%. And also in other regions such as Liguria and Sardinia the rate already exceeds 3%. We are still far from the figures for March and April, but from what we have seen in the rest of European countries, 5% of the positives on the total tests is the sign of a situation that is getting out of hand.

What are the indicators that scare you the most?
Is. Campania’s positive rate, which is related to the few tampons that are manufactured in Campania. Campania produces a third of Lombardy’s tampons and 40% less than Lazio. And Naples is already the eighth province by the number of cases in Italy.

Is there also an issue of intensive care and hospital places, in Campania and in the other regions involved in the second wave?
In Campania we have 38 people in intensive care and it is not a very worrying number. We take into account that in Campania the maximum number of places occupied in intensive care was 181 hospitalizations. We are still very, very far away.

There are also more than 3,000 people hospitalized with symptoms, you say?
That we are still far from the figures of last spring, where we had even reached more than 10 thousand until May 18. However, they are other numbers.

There are two things that do not seem to get out of control: the number of deaths that remains low and the number of people in intensive care …
These are the two comforting data that continue to be so in these weeks of growing infections. The stress of the health system and the mortality of the virus are far away from March and April. As long as these two numbers remain low, we can rest easy with our public life. If there were a significant increase in deaths, the taboo of a second confinement could also be questioned.

In March, April, May it was said that the increase in deaths comes after the increase in infections. Is it a risk that we run today?
The increase in infections, from 200 to 2000 in the space of a few weeks, has not multiplied deaths tenfold. This is due to the increased testability, which means that we encounter almost all cases, not just the most serious ones. Not only that: the average age of infections, which is also increasing slightly, is also still quite low, with infections involving people at lower risk.
