worst in 5 months. Contagions, returning to April levels. Dead and hospitalized rise up – Libero Quotidiano


The coronavirus infection curve in Italy it suffers a significant increase, which cannot make you sleep soundly. The bulletin of Thursday, October 1, released by the Ministry of Health, reports 2,548 new cases out of 118,236 swabs analyzed: is the highest recorded since April 24, when little more than 3,000 cases were found. A worrying upturn, although in comparison with the months of the confinement the daily deaths were ten times more: today there were 24 deaths compared to the 1,140 recovered. Current positives have increased to 52,647, but the vast majority are asymptomatic and in home isolation (49,259). However, the number of hospitals should not be underestimated, especially in South-central regions: 3,097 hospitalized patients (+50), 291 (+11) in intensive care. Regarding individual regions, the Veneto has seen a dramatic increase in new cases (445), followed by Campania (390) and by Lombardy (324). In triple figures also Lazio (265), Sicily (156), Tuscany (144), Puglia (114), Liguria (111), Piedmont (110) and Emilia Romagna (103).
