An attack that seems to almost aim to destabilize the Movement and that comes less than ten days after its last and very strong outbreak, carried out on the occasion of the grillini debacle in the last regional elections. “The biggest defeat in the history of the Movement,” Di Battista declared on September 22 on Facebook.
M5S, Di Battista on the attack: “It is the biggest defeat in the history of the 5Stelle.” Fico: “The failures are collective”
And today, in the interview with PiazzaPulita (of which at the moment there is only a brief preview of 42 seconds published by the broadcast on Twitter) Di Battista adds to the dose by speaking of a certain “weakening” of the Movement. It looks like the antechamber of a possible division.
In the Five Star Movement all against all. Di Battista attacks: risk of split
Di Battista begins in the interview stating that he has always been “accused of speaking too much or too little.” But, he points out, when he speaks and accuses he does so because “I love the Movement, I believe in a project. And I think the structural alliance with the Democratic Party is the black death for us. I have the impression that alliances are made because if the others don’t win ”. He does not skimp on the accusations, on the contrary, he adds. “The results of the Movement in these coalitions do not seem exceptional to me.”
And for the future, for the next political elections? “I have projects to present to the Movement – he says – environmental service, national car sharing, health, water and public transport, direct intervention of the State in the economy but also private company from SMEs. We believe this identity and in the next elections we will decide what to do ”. But, Di Battista warns, “if we go with the PD just to leave, the Italians will think that we are the same as the dem and in the end they will vote for the original.”
Returning to the weakening of the 5 Stars, Dibba reiterates that “this is not what I fought for”, but to those who accuse him of wanting the position of leader, he responds: “I do not have to make a political career otherwise I would align myself and live more time”. serene. “What he would like, he argues, is” to lend a hand to the Movement, “to fight” against the establishment. I get it out of conflicts of interest – he continues – with impure editorials, but it seems that only I am left to fight certain battles, almost alone, while the Movement goes in another direction. ”Almost an admission of the feeling of feeling out of place now, away from pentastellati that he no longer recognizes as battle partners.
But Di Battista also questions the hypotheses that are being raised in recent days, among Grilini deputies and senators, for the future of the Movement. Crimi has invoked in recent days the need for more collegiate decisions. And the base seems to agree. Di Battista, however, doesn’t think it’s the right way. “The main problem of the Movement,” he explains, “is identity”, the idea that “it can only be reconstructed in a collegial way, allowing members to express themselves to find a line. First we define the political agenda, then we decide and look for the best possible strategy ”.
But why, instead, is the Movement in favor of collegial decision-making? “There are people – accuses DI Battista – who push for collegiate leadership because there is a danger that the boss will become me, the truth is this.”
The new statute
Meanwhile, among the pentastellati, the break with Davide Casaleggio seems increasingly evident. The 5S deputies are working on the new regulation to be adopted (the statute of the parliamentary group) to replace the one that is still in force. The element that emerges most strongly, as reported by theAdnkronos, is that any reference to Rousseau, mentioned in article 2 and article 17 of the current statute. In the draft, however, reference is made to the blogdellestelle, but the end of its monopoly is decreed.
In the old regulation, however, in article 2 the blogdellestelle.it and the domain were recognized as “official tools for the dissemination of information”. Rouss.movimento5stelle.it, both attributable to Davide Casaleggio, who appears to be its administrator. Now, however, in the new statute Rousseau It is not mentioned, although it is specified that the “group identifies as official tools for the dissemination of information the channels of the Movimento 5 Stelle and others that it considers adopting with its own resolution with an absolute majority of shareholders. The group may also use the same channels indicated previously for the exchange of political indications and the participatory contributions of citizens “.