Bulletin of deaths and coronavirus infections of Milan and Lombardy Thursday, October 1, 2020


The fight against the coronavirus continues in Lombardy. On Thursday, October 1, another 324 cases were detected throughout the Region (compared to 24,691 swabs). Between Milan and its interior there were another 168 positive people for the virus who arrived from China; In the shadow of the Madonnina, another 110 have been infected. The data has been disseminated by the Region through the usual bulletin.

The situation in Lombard’s intensive care units is substantially stable: only one person was hospitalized in one day (in total there are 35 people in covid resuscitation). Slowly but steadily, the pressure in covid wards continues to decrease: in a single day the number of beds occupied by patients has decreased by eight units. In total, 298 people are not hospitalized in intensive care. The sum of patients in regional health facilities, including resuscitation rooms and wards, is 333.

The long trail of death caused by the virus, which killed another 5 people in a single day, has not yet stopped; the (official) total has reached 16,960.


Flu vaccine: begins in the second half of October

“Maximum collaboration for the influenza vaccination of children up to 6 years of age and in the management of the student’s symptoms and direct involvement of the pediatrician for the prevention of social problems in preadolescents”. The Councilor for Social Welfare Giulio Gallera illustrates, in a note, the highlights of the Complementary Regional Agreement reached today by the Lombardy Region with the Trade Unions of Free Choice Pediatricians. “The agreement – explains the commissioner – foresees a considerable contribution of the pediatricians for the management of the child in school, in particular for the reconstruction of the symptoms related to the result of the swab. regional working group that is in charge of coordinating the anti-Covid actions to be carried out in relation to school health. ”“ The Lombard ATS – continues the commissioner – are also developing, together with the pediatricians who guarantee maximum collaboration, an organizational plan for the influenza vaccination of children between six months and six years, which will be launched from mid-November ”.

The Lombardy Region will support the organizational expenses incurred by professionals during the anti-flu campaign by recognizing 6 euros for each vaccination service. The agreement defined today provides for the development of a qualification path for the pediatric profession, in terms of associations and stabilization of study personnel. To support these new opportunities, the Lombardy Region will invest 1.8 million euros. “A renewed organizational structure – adds the Councilor for Social Welfare – will allow consolidating the alliance with pediatricians who will thus be able to ensure, among other things, an important contribution in synergy with the Lombard ASSTs in the management of social problems in the preadolescent phase and in the treatment of the main pathologies of the child ”.

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In relation to some news that emerged today, the Lombardy Region clarifies that the 2020/2021 flu campaign will begin in the second half of October. The vaccines purchased are sufficient to guarantee coverage of the categories provided for by national indications. We will begin, respecting the order of priority with fragile people with multiple pathologies defined by the Ministry of Health, people over 60, health personnel, pregnant women and children up to 6 years old. (LNews)
