
From today, hormonal drugs used for the feminization process of transgender women and for the virilization process of transgender men are free throughout Italy for people who have received a diagnosis of gender dysphoria or gender incongruity for ‘a multidisciplinary and dedicated specialist team ». This was established by the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA), placing them on the list of medicines that can be fully dispensed by the National Health Service as class H medicines: those that can be distributed, free of charge, only in pharmacies hospitable. The decision was published in the Official Gazette on September 30 and took effect today.
Until now, drugs that allow trans people, that is, people who do not recognize themselves in the gender corresponding to their biological sex, undergo hormone therapy were only free in some regions and provinces. In Tuscany, the first region to make them free, they were free since 2006. Only yesterday Emilia-Romagna had extended the gratuitousness of these drugs to the entire regional territory. However, despite the AIFA decision, for transgender people, access to drug transition therapies varies from one region to another, because in some there are no centers that can diagnose gender inconsistency and, therefore , they are forced to relocate.
The feminizing drugs that will be free from now on contain the following substances: estradiol, estradiol hemihydrate, estradiol valerate, cyproterone acetate, spironolactone, leuprolide acetate and triptorelin. Those of virilization, generally more expensive, contain instead: testosterone, testosterone undecanoate, testosterone entantate and testosterone esters.
– Read also: Trans, transsexual, transgender: a glossary