
What if “the bogeyman»Were you one of the protagonists of the dreaded online challenges that terrify children? One doubt, this, that crept into the investigators immediately. Since last night, when his family found the body of the 11-year-old Neapolitan. Before jumping into the void from the tenth floor of the building where he lived, the boy left a message. A short text message sent to the mother’s phone in which the boy first told her parents that she loved her and then told them about a “black man in a hood” to follow.
A clear reference, perhaps to a real person, in the child’s circle of friends, or to a virtual entity. Hypothesis on which the Prosecutor of Naples he is now investigating, after opening an investigation for instigating suicide.
The various Jonathan Galindo, Momo Challenge, Creepypasta or Slender Man are all challenges personified in fictional characters, a modern version of urban legends, who have become protagonists on social networks in recent years and are already the subject of numerous complaints. to the Postal Police. Challenge, whose precursor was the blue whale, in which children were pushed to pass tests that eventually led to self-harm.
Vanessa Found on Vanity Fair, the Network rebels against the hypocritical world of entertainment: “You are beautiful”
Bright Eyes. The hinted smile. The naked body. Beautiful, almost statuesque, Vanessa Incontrada has been shown naked on the cover of Vanity Fair, on newsstands since yesterday. “This cover is the most beautiful moment in recent years – she says – it is a point of arrival that sees my body become a message for all women (and also for men).
The last of these characters to land in Italy, the phenomenon is in fact international, is Galindo. A kind of Goofy, protagonist of a thousand Disney stories, with disturbing features. A mask behind which, most of the time, several people hide. Subjects who, in fact, act in groups but not necessarily coordinated, who, taking advantage of the false identity and the ease of suggesting to children and the very young, hook them with messages on social networks to scare them, or worse, push them into a vortex of tests of bravery. more and more dangerous.
Obviously the character does not exist and the image that has gone viral on the internet is nothing more than the result of a robbery. The photos were published several years ago by the make-up artist specialized in film effects Samuel Canini, a stranger to history, who had created this mask to publicize his works. First in the United States, then in Spain and Germany and finally in Italy, his creation has, however, become the face of numerous fake accounts on social networks. Accounts that first send friend requests to the little ones and then a link that offers to enter a game. A series of challenges that, according to some testimonies, would include, for example, engraving words with a razor on the skin and then sending a photo as testimony of the gesture. Part of the game is also not talking to anyone about the evidence. A peculiarity that pushes children to be more influenced and to isolate themselves, losing contact with the reality of the facts. So they can end up devoured by anxiety or fear.
An impressive phenomenon to the point that a few months ago, in July, the Italian Postal Police had been forced to warn parents and advise them to deal with the situation. Among these, talk about the Galindo issue to the little ones, so that they are prepared. Also, teach them that messages sent by strangers should be ignored, without opening the links within them, and that any threat received on the network should not scare them but induce them to ask for help. Then invite them not to share this type of message with friends and, in case you notice a social profile called Jonathan Galindo, block it and report everything to the authorities.
Last updated: 09:38