me unions confederal of the school they knock on the doors of Palazzo Madama and Montecitorio. After the publication in the Official Gazette of the dates of competition for the precarious (will begin on October 22), the national secretaries of the Flc Cgil, Cisl School, Uil, Snals me Gilda they wrote a lyrics to the parliamentarians to request the suspension of the tests requested by the Minister of Education Lucia azzolina. A first referral request made by Democratic party It has already been rejected by the tenant of Viale Trastevere, but now the unions are directly requesting the intervention of Parliament.
“Begin in a context of health emergency the performance of the extraordinary competition tests (and follow a maxi-competition with more than 500 thousand candidates) has no immediate effect in terms of hiring, exposing the school and staff involved to two types of risk: a possible increased infections in schools, due to the promiscuity between external and internal staff and students in attendance at the school grounds that will host the tests and the possibility that many precarious workers may be in a situation of contagion or quarantine as a result of the work they do and that exposes them to such conditions. , are excluded from participating in the contest “.
A danger that Lucía Azzolina avoided, ensuring that the tests will be carried out in safety. The secretaries Francesco Sinopoli, Lena Gissi, Pino Turi, Elvira Serafini and Rino Di Meglio, however, put another question on the table: “One wonders if it is appropriate to take away the schools that just left 66 thousand teachers for at least two days, with the consequent increase in mobility flows in the territory for those who could participate in the tests in a region other than that of Service“. In the letter addressed to all parties the unions recall that “the need to extraordinary contest was born to cure a condition of abuse of term contracts in the widely known school and in evident contrast with the indications and judgments of the community context ”.
But they do not coincide with the minister’s haste: “The postponement of the competition, most recently due to the pandemic emergency, meant that any procedure that begins today does not produce school year 2021/22 no concrete effect in terms of stable coverage of positions and consequent guarantee of didactic continuity to the students. How difficult it is – write the secretaries of the school sector – to manage at this stage bankruptcy proceedings this is demonstrated by the one that still exists to contract the DSGA ”. The answer is ready 5 Stelle Movement that by the words of the honorable Manuel Tuzi Azzolina squares: “How many absurd controversies about the extraordinary competition that will stabilize 32 thousand teachers. The minister cleared up all doubts: not an hour of lost lesson, maximum ten candidates per class and spaced out, thousands of test centers. “
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Escuela, Azzolina: “20,000 stations enabled for competition. There will be less than 10 candidates per classroom to ensure distancing “