Coronavirus, 51 new positives in Liguria, 37 of which in Genoa. A 56-year-old man died in Galliera


Genoa. There are 51 new positives in Liguria out of 3,204 swabs. This was revealed by the bulletin on the coronavirus emergency issued as always by the Liguria Region. The number of hospitalized remains the same as yesterday (165 throughout the region). However the death of a 56-year-old man in the Galliera hospital.

This is the detail divided by provinces (with reference to the place where the swab was made)

• Imperia: 3
1 confirmed case contact
2 screening activities

• Savona: 3
1 confirmed case contact
1 screening activity
1 health and social structure

• Genoa: 37
2 health and social structures
18 confirmed case contact
17 screening activities

• La Spezia: 8
Contact of 4 confirmed cases
4 screening activities

As to hospitals165 are hospitalized throughout Liguria, of which 22 are in intensive care. Of these 81 are in Genoa distributed between San Martino (30 of which 11 in intensive care), Galliera (37 of which 2 in intensive care), Gaslini (8) and Villa Scassi (6).

The number of positives currently continues to increase and is 3,193 (compared to 21 more than yesterday) of which 1,364 in the province of Genoa. In all, there are 29 newly recovered with double negative swabs. The subjects under active surveillance are 2,249 in Liguria, of which 534 in the territory of the Genoese ASL 3
