With 170 new infections in Sicily today, the threshold of 7 thousand cases has been exceeded since the beginning of the epidemic (7,118). We are on the day that came into force the new order of Governor Nello Musumeci which provides, among other things, the obligation of the mask also outdoors. The percentage of positives with respect to the swabs performed (6,645) is 2.55%. After yesterday’s 118, even today there is a high number of cured: 90, bringing the total to 3,941. But there is also another victim, in Palermo (details have not yet been provided ed).
And the province of the capital continues to be the most affected with 74 new cases. The Region specifies that of the new positives, 29 navy soldiers landed in Syracuse from the Margottini ship. In the hospital environment, the number of people hospitalized has exceeded three hundred (301 to be precise), in addition to the 19 patients in intensive care (+3 compared to yesterday, a third of the national figure). This is the breakdown of the new cases by province: Catania 17, Messina 7, Syracuse 33, Trapani 17, Enna 1, Agrigento 4, Caltanissetta 17.
Elections in Carini, the alarm returned
In recent days, a cashier and an employee of the Registry Office had tested positive for Covid after the referendum on September 20 and 21. And just days after the October 4-5 elections, staff who came into contact with the positive employee went into fiduciary isolation. It was feared that the clerk could be at risk, but Mayor Giovì Monteleone announced that all employees tested negative. So the alarm came back.
Anxious parents at Carducci school
Concern of the parents of the young students of the Carducci school in via Ferdinando Di Giorgi for a suspicious case linked to a school collaborator. “On Friday she found out – explains a mother – that her daughter, after a swab, tested positive and nevertheless came to work. As a precaution we decided not to send the children for a few days ”. The director, Evelina Maffey, intervened to put out the fire: “She found out about her daughter – explains a Palermo today – while he was at school, between shifts, and immediately went home to go into isolation. It must be said that you have always used masks, gloves and disinfectant gel, so we believe that there is nothing to fear. We immediately disinfect the three plexuses and we are waiting to know the result of the swab from our collaborator ”.
The situation in the rest of Italy
The new Coronavirus bulletin from the Ministry of Health confirms the constantly increasing trend in the number of new cases of positivity to Sars-Cov-2 that have brought the number of patients with Covid to more than 50 thousand: yesterday there were also 24 deaths for Covid. Currently, there are 1,851 new cases out of 105,564 swabs. Unfortunately there are also 19 deaths while the pressure on hospitals remains stable (+8 admissions) thanks to 1198 recovered, while employment in intensive care increases (+9). Campania (+287 cases), Lazio (+210) and Lombardy (+201) continue to drive the number of new infections.
Coronavirus, today’s newsletter, Wednesday September 30
Currently positive: 51,263
Deaths: 35,894 (+19, + 0.05%)
Discharged / Cured: 227,704 (+1,198, + 0.53%)
Hospitalized: 3,327 (+8)
Hospitalized in ICU: 280 (+9)
Buffers: 11,133,922 (+105,564)
Total cases: 314,861 (+1,851, + 0.59%)
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