
Milan, September 29, 2020 – It turned out the swab is negative for the coronavirus that he suffered yesterday Silvio Berlusconthe. This was revealed by Adriano Galliani, CEO of Monza, on the occasion of the Brianza team’s match against Triestina for the Serie B championship. “Yesterday the president made the first negative buffer, we are waiting for the second in the coming days to be able to say that he will be released, after a month, from this nightmare, “added Galliani.
The Knight, in isolation in arcore after hospitalization for pneumonia after the coronavirus, now awaits the second negative buffer to be considered cured of Covid 19. Meanwhile, the leader of Forza Italia has tonight celebrated his 84th birthday with the children, also positive for Covid in recent weeks, with a dinner at Villa San Martino.
For the record, Monza beat Triestina with a dry 3-0 in the second round of the 2020/2021 Italian Cup, entering the third round where Brianza will challenge the winner between Pordenone and Casarano, scheduled for tomorrow. Galliani is delighted: “Thanks to Rai Sport for having decided to broadcast Monza-Triestina on the birthday of our skipper Silvio Berlusconi.” And in the negative notebook: “We are happy for him, tonight we want to give you a joy“.
Berlusconi, the ordeal of countless positives. “Isolation leads to depression”
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