Pharmacies without vaccines Gallera: “First the fragile ones”


Doctors repeat it ad nauseam: this year the flu shot will be even more important than in the past. The reason is obvious. The flu causes symptoms very similar to Covid-19 and could make diagnosis difficult, already difficult due to the lack of faster tests than swabs. Exclusion of influenza cases can reduce the time required to identify true Covid patients, to isolate them immediately to avoid outbreaks. The other reason, not a secondary one, is that the flu is far from being a trivial illness. Every year it forces millions of people to lie down and in Italy it causes 8,000 deaths a year, according to estimates by the Higher Institute of Health.

Appeals were heard. In the last two weeks there have been no calls from citizens asking doctors about the possibility of undergoing the vaccine. An interest that is manifested not only by people considered at risk, such as those over 65 years of age or those who are chronically provided for free (this year the ministry has also added those over 60), but also citizens They do not fall into the “fragile” categories. In the second case, pharmacies collect reservations and requests (private, therefore, paid). At the moment, however, the pharmacists cannot provide answers. There are no vaccines on the market.
