
A last message composed of a few words, with a cryptic content. The apology for the gesture he was about to make, then that reference that made the researchers stare: a “black man” not better defined, which in some way would have determined that leap into the void, from the tenth floor of the building in which he lives. A figure that could have manipulated or terrified him to the point of leading him to suicide. The story of 11-year-old boy who jumped out of the window Tuesday night from his home in Naples; The Naples Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation, it is investigating for instigating suicide.
From what emerged, the boy had an apparently peaceful life, integrated with his peers and played sports. The boy committed suicide shortly after midnight, while his parents slept. To exclude accidental drop, there is only that message, sent to the mother’s cell phone a few minutes before. Researchers are working feverishly on the identity of this “black man”, to understand if he is a real person, perhaps in the child’s circle of acquaintances, or a virtual entity, jumped from the folds of the Internet or from the perverse mechanisms of one of the many challenges that are born in social networks that scare the little ones.
Hypothesis: deadly web challenge
The online challenge hypothesis is still one of the most reputable at the moment, but this is also a very slippery field. A dense bush where the characters of the Creepypasta, the Internet version of urban legends, come to life, terrorizing the youngest. Whether they are called Momo, Jonathan Galindo or Slender Man, the reports the Postal Police receives are endless. Most of the time they are people who, exploiting the legend of the web, limit themselves to scare the unfortunate one on duty: a friend request, a photo on the mobile is enough to convince a child that they have ended up in the look at that mysterious entity.
Who is Jonathan Galindo, the latest challenge in social networks
Fundamental premise: Jonathan Galindo does not exist. She is not a real person. Rather, it is possible that there are several people who, behind this false identity, can hook children and very young to scare them. The photographs that are projected, and which portray a kind of Disney Goofy in a horrifying and certainly disturbing version, were actually stolen: they were published years ago by the make-up artist Samuel Canini, who has nothing to do with this story, and who in 2012 created this type of mask to publicize his profession and published the photos with the nickname Duskysam.
Then the photos ended up on the Internet and used to shape another terrifying virtual identity, they came in chronological order after Slender Man, a kind of black man, and after Momo, who actually portrays a sculpture made by artist Keisuke Aizawa. . The first accounts with images of Jonathan Galindo appeared in 2017, but the character has only become popular in recent months, as heir to the Momo challenge. And with fame came emulators: people who, using those images, enjoy sowing panic. With results that can be dramatic.

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