46 Day Covid Positive Baby with Mom and Dad


MIRANO – A 46-day-old baby is in the pediatrician’s office for the first visit. His nose is closed. The doctor prescribes the tampon for the baby and for his parents, who are in excellent health. Result: 3 positives. It happened in the Miranese, showing that no one is safe from the virus, as a single trivial symptom is enough to indicate the presence of Covid-19.
“The colleague was very good – says Vito Francesco D’Amanti, provincial representative of the Italian Federation of Pediatricians – followed the guidelines. This episode – continues – during a normal health assessment, it teaches us precisely that even a small child with only one symptom, however mild it may be like a runny nose, can have Covid. The colleague received the patient because the reason for the visit was different – he adds – but in all cases that start from the symptoms of Covid, the chronological order is: first the swab and then the visit. Pediatricians, obviously, are aware of the criticality of the moment and the situation that families are going through, but they invite mothers and fathers to accept their work more favorably, conformed by rules of engagement conducted in accordance with the law. “Parents – D’Amanti clarifies – we must not protest if we prescribe the tampon in the presence of mild symptoms, sometimes only one, or if we activate the protocol by phone, without the visit in the presence. I understand very well that it is a discomfort for them – he acknowledges – but they must understand that we are right, since we are obliged to behave in this way, and that ours is a commitment aimed at everyone, from children to parents to fragile grandparents , trying to preserve. collectivity with what the State and the regions require of us, which is called “epidemiological surveillance”.
D’Amanti underlines how the increase in asymptomatic people complicates things terribly: «Never let your guard down – he warns – this type of healthy carriers are thirty percent of the positive ones, it means one in three, look at that is a lot. That does not mean that we have to worry – he explains – children escape without realizing it in almost all cases, but Covid is there, we will fight to get out of there, it will take years ”. The start of the school, then, has undoubtedly created more difficulties and the doctors are asking for the support of the health companies; Today, in fact, a works committee is scheduled between Ulss and the Federation of Pediatricians, to discuss the recent misunderstandings about the need or not to carry out visits before swabbing. “Ulss must support us with the tests – he concludes – and above all give the results quickly, but I must say that Ulss 3, with the medical director Tessarin, is helping us a lot”.

