The “oscillating state”, an indecisive state, which since 1896 has always voted for the winner (except for two sensational cases, Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944 and John F. Kennedy in 1960), and for both challengers conquest is essential.
Supreme Court, handling of the Covid-19 emergency, economy, race riots, integrity of the elections, their respective political careers: during a very thick ninety minutes the two argue about the six big issues chosen by the presenter of Fox News, Chris Wallace. Journalist for the conservative presidential “friend” network, hated by Trump for his harsh interviews, unsatisfying questions and attitude to immediately deny inaccuracies. And in fact they clash several times as well: when Wallace tries to put the Republican leader back on line. But, of course, the slaps fly mostly between the two contenders. With Biden, fresh from the salon, taunting and attacking. And Trump more tanned than usual, admonished and defensive, who effectively sinks only in the middle of the discussion.

First Cleveland Presidential Debate, Gopnick: “Eyes on Biden. He must go on the attack or Trump will devour him.”
And to think that until the last El Presidente had tried to belittle the abilities of the opponent, even asking for a rule. last minute to make sure that “Old Joe”, as he dismissively calls him, did not hide a transmitter in his ears, crediting a rumor that circulated on social media and immediately branded “absurd” by the Democratic staff. Biden, however, has made it known that he has no problem getting it inspected. “I have my headphones and my doping substances ready,” he joked, sharing a photo of himself with headphones and ice cream on Twitter.
“Why do you both think you have the right to name Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s successor to the Supreme Court?” Wallace’s first question immediately enters the heart of the discussion that divides the country the most today: the appointment of a judge.Amy coney barrett – considered by many to be a Catholic fundamentalist – rather than the pioneering feminist who died two weeks ago. “I won the elections and I have the right to choose, not three years but four years,” he said shortly. Mr. president, Very tense. The dem counterattacks calmly: “I am not opposed to the person, but it is up to the American people and therefore whoever wins the elections to appoint him.” Trump interrupts him several times, but the effect is one of great confusion.
Biden, described by the president as confused and unreactive, speaking of Covid recites numbers and data with great precision. Trump continues to interrupt him: “You are hostage to the radical left.” And then: “What you say is not what your party supports,” he says. “I am the party,” replies the opponent, counterattacking: “You don’t have a plan. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re the one who, compared to the Covid numbers, said ‘things are as they are.’
In short, we turn to personal insults: “You are a clown, a liar. The wrong person at the wrong time,” sinks the democrat. “I did more in 47 months than you in 47 years, there is nothing smart about you,” the Republican responds, continuing to interrupt the former vice president, until he apostrophizes him: “Why don’t you shut up a bit? “.
The tenant of the White House does not like: “You have good press, not me. But in my place you would not have closed yourself to China. When I did, you called me a xenophobe. With you we would already have 2 million deaths.”
We talked about the vaccine, about the social distance of the masks: “I followed Fauci’s advice, at first he told me they were not necessary and then he changed his mind,” outlines The Donald, questioning the well-known virologist, knowing very well that the management of the virus is its weakest point.
Trump finds verve when he talks about the economy: “We had the best in the world, then the Chinese virus came.” And he talks to his fans when he says, “You would shut it all down. But that’s not what people want.” “People want security,” Biden responds.
The worst moment for the president is when Wallace asks him, “Is it true that you only paid $ 750 in taxes when you were already in the White House?” He rambles: “I paid millions …”. The dem attacks again: “Show us your tax returns.” But Trump recovers: “I am an entrepreneur, I have good accountants who know how to use the law.” An argument that, however, offers the opponent the opportunity to remind Americans that he paid “less than a school teacher.”
Speaking of taxes, however, Biden loses the thread a bit. It lasts very little, but it is an obvious disfigurement. However, he picked up the attacks on his son Hunter without losing his temper: “He received 3.5 million dollars from the mayor of Moscow.” “It’s false”.

Facebook in the stronghold of the White House elections: no ads on the eve and campaign for the vote
The confrontation gets really tough when it comes to George Floyd’s death and the resulting race riots. Biden accuses the president of doing nothing for African Americans and recalls the police charge against peaceful protesters in Washington for a photo opportunity. Trump fights back by dusting off his workhorse: “The left has allowed uncontrollable riots in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis. And you are not in favor of law and order, law. “” I am for justice “is the dem’s sharp reply.
Insidious, however, another question arises from Wallace: “President, are you willing to condemn white supremacists?” She doesn’t, doubt, the riots are Antifa’s fault, she says. “Antifa is an idea, not an organization,” responds the democrat. An own goal. In addition to claiming not to support the Green New Deal loved by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s left, except to recover in a corner: “I support the Biden plan.”
By the time we get to a very serious subject like voting by mail, everyone is exhausted. The former vice president calls for a vote now off. The other repeats mechanically “it’s a shame, a fraud.” “It will end badly,” says Trump. “You’re scared,” concludes Biden.
The debate, we must swear, has not moved a vote. The United States, more divided than ever, has only been reflected on the small screen.
Trump-Biden, who won the debate
For him Cnn, who conducted a poll of a group of people who watched the debate, is Biden tonight’s winner. According to the public sampled by CNN, Biden won 60% while Trump won only 28%. But beware: CNN also specified the political position of the panel, only 25% were Republican voters against 38% of Democrats and 37% undecided.
Therefore, according to the CNN poll, the undecided were more convinced by Biden than by Trump. Also, again for the CNN panel, Biden was more sincere and more correct in attacking the opponent than the president.
Also according to Bbc (but via his columnist, Anthony Zurcher) tonight’s winner was Biden, “if only because his main goal was to show Americans that he could do well under pressure, that he didn’t miss it because of his age.” .
Biden raises $ 3.8 million in the 60 minutes after the debate
Democratic challenger Joe Biden raises a record $ 3.8 million in funding in an hour after a one-on-one television show with Donald Trump via the ActBlue website. For the former vice president’s campaign it is an absolute maximum. Last month, Biden had received donations of $ 364.5 million, topping Trump’s fundraiser by more than $ 150 million.