A life dedicated to the race and the “battle” against two cancers (the most recent one discovered three years ago), broken two days ago. Cristiano Masciarelli, 49 years old from Capoterra, an employee at the Elmas airport, is gone. Great duel in the city and also in the community of Poggio dei Pini. The man had run many marathons and his story had come to light. A first tumor when he was still a child, years of struggle, and then another tumor three years ago, with surgery in 2019. In the middle, a lot of running: he was a GS Atletica Capoterra athlete, Masciarelli, and in March of the year Lastly, he had participated in the Oristano half marathon, getting his umpteenth medal. Two days ago, death and a whole community, that one, crying.
“Our dear athlete and friend Cristiano Masciarelli passed away. GS Atletica Capoterra joins his family in grief over his untimely death. Despite his health awareness, on March 1, after almost three years of hiatus, he was in Oristano to win his umpteenth medal in the half marathon. Then, during the running of the bulls ”, as we read on the website of the sports association run by Lorenzo Pisani,“ we saw him still run for miles around the block, probably thinking about winning his fifteenth marathon. We are left with the memory and example of his immense willpower and we will take advantage of it. Thank you “. A message” bounced “also by the Italian Athletics Federation. A memory of Masciarelli can also be read on the Facebook page of the cooperative society Poggio dei Pini:” With deep sadness we cling to Elio, Emanuela and all the family members for the premature death of Cristiano Masciarelli. A child from Poggio who leaves us too soon, a loving father, a true warrior. Hello Cristiano, may the earth be light to you. “