Genoa, that’s why the coronavirus has spread so much in the team


How is it possible that 14 of the Genoa players and staff members who underwent a double negative smear on Monday were positive??
The tests do not detect the virus immediately. In the first three days after exposure to Sars-Cov-2, there is a high probability that the swab test will be negative. Although the virus may already be present in the body, but since it begins to replicate at different rates, also depending on the individual’s antibody response, the swab may be “false negative”. After 72 hours of the suspected exposure, the test is easier to give correct results.

So, was it possible that Genoa players were already infected and therefore potentially contagious when they challenged Napoli on Sunday at San Paolo?
Yes, the disease has an incubation period of 2-5 days and, as mentioned, the swab does not reveal it immediately. therefore, it is likely that at least some Rossobl athletes have played with the virus already in their body. As for infections in the field, we will have to wait a few days and although the results of the tests carried out on Tuesday are negative, the Neapolitans still cannot feel safe. The big problem is that the presymptomatic period (lasting from 2 to 10 days with a mean of 5) is also crucial: not only because asymptomatic people can transmit the disease, but also because in the days immediately before the symptoms, the people are very contagious.

How did the virus get onto the computer?
The first to test positive was goalkeeper Mattia Perin, a feverish Friday and a positive result on Saturday at noon. During the week he trained regularly, asymptomatic but contagious. Perin is likely to be infected on Monday, rest day, off the field. We must not forget that Liguria is one of the Italian regions that most worries about the spread of the infection with a Rt of 1.31 among the highest in Italy and with an incidence in the last 7 days of 34.48 cases per 100 thousand population. , only surpassed by the autonomous province of Trento. Furthermore, the trend of the general epidemic curve reflects what happens in individual settings: schools, universities, companies, sports centers.

But why was such an important group of super controlled players born?
Precisely because they were reviewed in this way, it was possible to identify the positives in a timely manner. In fact, amateur athletes run the same risks despite having less chance of contagion since they play sports less frequently.

Is it true that team and contact sports are the most dangerous?
Because there is physical confrontation on the field, it is easy for athletes to speak loudly, have discussions at close range, breathe together. Promiscuit in the changing rooms, gyms with shared equipment, coexistence do the rest. Also, the virus can enter the team through social life outside of the team’s controlled community and it is still difficult to create permeability. To avoid contagion, footballers must lead a cloistered life, live in a “closed bubble” as NBA basketball players do, closed in Disney Word where they play and train without other external contacts.

Are athletes at a higher risk of infection?
It is known that after intense physical effort, without adequate recovery, a situation of antibody deficiency usually occurs, which makes the athlete more susceptible to infections, including the new coronavirus. We know that when intense and prolonged physical exercise is performed, with very high respiratory flows and volumes, precisely in the days of incubation immediately before the onset of symptoms, the direct penetration of the virus into the lower respiratory tract and alveoli is facilitated, strongly reducing the impact of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, covered by “neutralizing” antibodies. For this reason, athletes, if they are affected by the virus in these phases, can also become seriously ill.

Fabrizio Pregliasco, virologist and health director of the Galeazzi hospital in Milan, and Gianfranco Beltrami, vice president of the Italian Sports Medical Federation collaborated.

September 29, 2020 (change September 29, 2020 | 7:51 PM)

