Genoa, September 29, 2020 – “Genoa is the Waterloo of tampons”, is the alarm that the teacher gives Matteo bassetti, director of the hospital’s Infectious Diseases Clinic San Martino of Genoa, on Facebook: “What’s going on with Genoa could represent the Waterloo of tampons: a few hours after the result of negative swabs because the whole team witnessed numerous positivity with likely important consequences in the future of the Series A championship. Shock absorbers can give, on the one hand a false license of negativity and of all free and instead produce an army of asymptomatic positives. We risk circulating incubating swab negative subjects who transmit the virus and shut others at home with positive swabs that do not transmit to anyone. Clinics made up of signs and symptoms should be put back in the center, which, combined with virology, remains the best tool for managing the pandemic. “
Coronavirus, Italy newsletter of September 29. Today’s Covid table
Then yesterday’s positivity news of 14 members, of which 6 players (others speak of 11), Genoa has canceled workouts and has scheduled a new round of tampons. Mattia Perin and Lasse Schone They have already been in solitary confinement since last Saturday and Sunday. Instead, between today and tomorrow they will have to be tested. everyone who came into contact with the team these days. There is also an additional round of pads for players. to see if any of the positives have already been cured.
The return to normality the competent ASL must decree it, who instructed Genoa not to train. The Grifone sports center is closed, but the company offices are still open: all employees, even those who are not part of the sports activity, will be subjected to a tampon.
Now it’s in Naples alarm, Genoa’s last rival at 6-0 in San Paolo. The Neapolitan company has put its players in fiduciary isolation waiting for the mattress for all scheduled members in the next few hours.
And other questions arise about the match between Genoa and Turin, scheduled for Saturday at 6pm in Marassi, which I could now skip. By regulation in Italy there is no minimum threshold of players necessary to play a game in the event of contagion by coronavirus that automatically triggers the postponement: it is necessary to request a referral to the opposing team, which must give their consent. In Europe it is different: UEFA has established that at least 13 negative players are needed to play the match.
Deputy Minister Sileri
The Vice Minister of Health also spoke on the unknown topic, Pierpaolo sileri: “If someone from Napoli tests positive, and in the meantime perhaps they have infected another, you understand that we have reached the block. From a health point of view, as a doctor and not as a vice minister, I say that the best would be stop for at least 7 days. We should behave as we do with sprouts. “Sileri was very clear on another topic:”The hugs and the joy in the field must be prohibited. However, distance must be kept. If they go from 1 positive in the team to 14, it means that the virus has circulated, that the distances have not been maintained ”.
Minister Spadafora
What will happen now with the Serie A championship? “This worries me a lot. I will hear from President Dal Pino and Gravina.” Thus, the sports minister,
Vincenzo Spadafora, intercepted by televisions at the entrance to Montecitorio, on the case of the Genoa outbreak, which found 14 positives in Covid between the team and the squad. When asked if there is a risk of a stoppage in the championship, Spadafora replied: “I do not think so that we are still in these conditions ”.
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