WHO ‘launches’ rapid tests for Covid, and Gates imposes a clause in favor of poor countries


They look like pregnancy ones, with two lines indicating positivity or negativity, but they are coronavirus tests and give results in minutes. One of the latest inventions related to the Covid-19 pandemic has received the green light worldwide and can now give a great hand in the fight against the pandemic in both rich and, above all, poor countries thanks to its extremely low cost.

As reported by The Guardian, they are produced by two different companies with their Korean SD BioSensor having received emergency approval from the World Health Organization and the other from the American Abbott which is expected to get it soon. At a cost of about $ 5 each, 120 million of these tests that give results in 15 or at most 30 minutes, will be distributed mainly to poor or developing countries where they will allow mass screening of health workers. that die in disproportionate numbers compared to those of rich countries.

The research was supported by the initiative launched in March by the WHO, the European Commission, the Gates Foundation and the French government. In exchange for a guarantee provided by the organization founded by the inventor Microsoft, companies must make 20% of their production available to low- and middle-income countries and 80% to the rest of the world. Germany has already ordered 20 million tests and France and Switzerland are doing the same.

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These WHO-approved rapid tests could be used for screening in schools, universities and workplaces, and even countries that can afford it could perform more screening tests in the general population. While not 100% accurate, they could still allow the identification of many infectious people before they develop symptoms and go into quarantine.
