Coronavirus Spain, the government is prepared for anything: new restrictions on the road?


It doesn’t stop there second wave in spain, who has now become Europe’s sick woman, and the Spanish government says it is willing to do anything to stop the rise of new infections in the country. What worries most is Madrid, the capital, where the blockade has been reintroduced.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Spain is the country that was the most affected by the coronavirus, exceeding 700,000 infections. After the wave of last spring, now throughout the state the spread of the coronavirus is scary again, concentrating especially in some areas such as Madrid. Therefore, the government was forced to fear of new restrictive measures much more drastic in trying to block the spread of Sars-CoV-2.

Coronavirus Spain, the government ready for anything

The Spanish government is prepared to face the spike in infections in the country, and has sent a warning to the Madrid health authorities to prepare for a possible tightening of measures containment of the virus.

Only in the last week have they been isolation more than a million people in the capital and the prohibition was imposed not to leave the neighborhood except to go to the workplace or to have a medical examination. However, the limitations imposed by the Madrid authorities did not seem sufficient to the central government and Justice Minister Juan Carlos Campo raised the alarm, stating that: “There is no doubt that the central government ready to do whatever it takes.

The Minister of Health of Madrid, Enrique Ruiz Escudero, is not of the same opinion, instead he defends the work of the government of the Madrid’s community based on epidemiological data in relation to the management capacity of the health system, also adding that it does not intend to follow any taxes required by the government central.

The epidemic situation in Spain

Currently Spain is the European country where the coronavirus runs the most, conquering the first position of the podium in the entire old continent for the largest number of daily infections. In fact, there is a rate of around 300 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, while in the capital the situation is decidedly worse: more than 775 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Across the country it was recommended avoid unnecessary trips, so it resides in the areas of higher risk than in those with fewer cases. Currently in Spain the budget of deceased has exceeded the quota 31,000.
