meThe profile immediately seemed perfect. Young woman, in great personal and electoral growth, party leader and aspiring government one of the most important countries in the European Union. Who better than Giorgia Meloni Could it embody the desire for growth, image, weight, role of the Ecr Party, the party of European conservatives and reformists?
And so, after a few weeks of debate, came the almost unanimous request for availability from the component forces. And the one of the leader of the Brothers of Italy has arrived, who yesterday afternoon was elected president of the party that at European level represents the right of government and the one that is a candidate to be it. A prestigious appointment – no Italian politician had ever presided over European parties such as the Pse and the EPP (except Monica Frassoni, during a period at the helm of the Greens) – consistent with a path undertaken for some time.
Yes, because the party of European Conservatives and Reformists, founded in 2009 after the creation of the group of the same name in the European Parliament, not only brings together all the area forces that do not side with the more centrist EPP, nor with the most extreme grouping that sees together, among others, the League and the Front National of Le Pen, in addition to being an important point of reference for the European right, maintains twinning relations, so to speak, with the main conservative parties of the world: from the American Republican Party to the Israeli Likud Party, from the Australian Liberal Party to the Canadian Conservative Party. And those who represent it, of course, also have the task of building relationships, maintaining contacts, carrying out common policies. A great door that opens wide for those, like Meloni, who need international interlocutors in the face of the possible challenge for the leadership of the center-right.
A work that has already paid off, therefore, if it is true that the leader of FdI, who in 2019 took her party to the Eurogroup of which Raffaele Fitto (now co-leader and vice president of the Ecr), was elected by colleagues from government forces such as the party close to the Polish president Duda, a growing opposition such as the Spanish Vox, from all the countries of the Visegrd pact (except Orbn, who remains in the EPP) and from the East. A bloc that undoubtedly weakened after the departure of the British Conservatives from the EU, but that counts – with the election of Meloni- to obtain new approval and new relations.
Mutual interest, on the other hand. Meloni knows very well that in challenge never stated but in fact with Salvini, international accreditation has a crucial weight. And for two years he has been moving to earn it, through an increasingly dense network of relationships woven in Europe by both Fitto and Carlo Fidanza, head of delegation of FdI, and in America by more direct contacts that led to two visits with an informal meeting with Trump. , one in 2019 at the CPAC (annual conference of conservative activists) and the other last February in Washington at the National Prayer and Breakfast, a small circle of the American right. In contrast, the party’s demonstration, the Atreju festival, is increasingly open to international guests.
Movements that have not gone unnoticed in the chancelleries and in the European and foreign press, where Meloni gains space and attention. That today will force you to redouble your efforts, because The role of president is not just a title, but a heavy card to spend at the center-right coalition table.
September 29, 2020 (change September 29, 2020 | 10:04)