“With Wider Flu Vaccine Coverage, Fewer Coronavirus Deaths”: Study


The flu vaccine will not only reduce the hospital burden in the event of a second wave of the SARS Cov 2 epidemic, but in the period of the blockade, the Italian regions with a higher rate of flu vaccination coverage in the population over 65 years old. showed fewer infections, fewer hospitalized patients with symptoms, cor as fewer patients admitted to intensive care and deaths from Covid-19. These are the results of a study carried out Monzino Heart Center in Milan, whereby in the ‘closure’ period, based on an ex post estimation, only a small increase in vaccination coverage would have saved almost two thousand dead. The study, published in Vaccines, supports the hypothesis that flu vaccination can help stop the consequences of Covid 19.

“We have estimated – explains Mauro amato, researcher at the Monzino Heart Center and first author of the article – che a 1% increase in vaccination coverage in those over 65, which is equivalent to approximately 140,000 doses nationwide, could have prevented 78,560 infections, 2,512 hospitalizations, 353 intensive care hospitalizations and 1,989 deaths from Covid-19. Therefore, it would be important to promote as much as possible any activity that could lead to an increase in vaccination coverage, especially among those over 65 years of age ”. “In our study – explains Amato – we compared, Region by Region, the vaccination coverage rates in people over 65 years of age with the number of infections and other 3 indices of clinical severity of the disease: the number of hospitalizations due to Covid-19, the number of ICU patients and the number of deaths from infection All analyzes confirmed that the spread rates and severity of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are inversely proportional to the influenza vaccination rate: fewer vaccines, more Covid-19Even if more ad hoc studies are needed to confirm the hypothesis, the Lombard Center researchers explain, the study provides an additional scientific basis for the recommendations of all health authorities, starting with the World Health Organization, which urges the population to suffer, especially this year, when flu shot“.

The world of cardiology “was, like the others, devastated by the wave of Covid-19 and the lack of vaccines and drugs capable of stopping it has led us to look for alternatives to respond to the attack of the pandemic,” he explains. Damiano Baldassare, coordinator of the study, head of the Unit for the study of the morphology and arterial function of the Monzino. “In view of an imminent second viral wave – he continues – we focus on the hypothesis, advanced by several scientists, about the role of flu vaccine in reducing the spread of Covid-19“. The influenza virus and Sars-CoV-2 have similar transmission routes – the document reads – and some symptoms in common, but they are very different in terms of severity and mortality in case of infection, and in terms age groups affected. The flu, recalls a note, affects mainly children and adolescents, while Covid-19 mainly affects older people. A possible explanation could be that younger people have a more reactive immune system strengthened by the exposure to viral agents or antigens contained in many pediatric vaccines (measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever, rubella, hepatitis B, papillomavirus) Vaccines can trigger positive “non-specific” immune response mechanisms, enhancing the response capacity of the immune system as a whole

The study summary

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