Vatican City – He managed to deliver only one letter addressed to Pope Francis through his secretary, Father Gonzalo, then he confidently waited three days at the hotel. In the end, the Cardinal Emeritus of Hong Kong, Joseph Zen, 88 years old but very lucid and determined, in the face of so much silence, took the hint and packed his suitcase again and left Rome. I didn’t expect such a humiliating treatment. He would have liked to meet the pontiff to talk to him about the Chinese situation and have the opportunity to show him that perhaps it would be better to postpone the renewal of the agreement but he did not have the opportunity.
Pope Francis actually ignored him, probably due to too many commitments concentrated in Santa Marta, between audiences and tasks to attend. Zen explained to some people before taking the plane that he had waited until the end on a call to call. But nothing to do. It was important for him to defend the cause of the new bishop of Hong Kong.
The position has been vacant for more than a year and a half, names have been made, including a very titled priest in his opinion although the possibility of appointing a priest named Peter Choi, openly pro-Chinese and, of course, very welcome to the government of Beijing . The appointment of the bishop of Hong Kong is a real thorn in the side of Pope Francis.
Now bishop appointments in China (and also in the former English protectorate) are in fact dependent on a shared choice of a figure that suits both Rome and the communist government. Only the business is getting quite complicated. Cardinal Zen explained that Father Choi would divide the Catholic community even more than it is now.
Pope Francis, faced with the Hong Kong dilemma, remains silent, avoiding taking a position on the violations of fundamental rights that are now taking place after the security law came into force, at the origin of so many protests. During the last papal trip, consulted by journalists, the Pope even compared the protest movements in Hong Kong with the French Yellow Vests, making an indirect comparison between the mature democracy of France and the authoritarian government of Beijing. “The repression? It is also in France,” he had ruled.
Last update: September 28 at 7:14 pm