Case of positivity for Covid-19 in a Friulian school. It occurs in the Fiumicello elementary schools, where a student tested positive for the coronavirus. His comrades were left at home as a precaution, waiting for tampons.
According to the local press, the problem refers to the disinfectant gel. Director, Alessia Cicconi, has entrusted another disclosure to a post on social media. “Following the positivity of one of my students – writes –I received a visit from the Prevention Department who verbalized that to me the gel used by the school has no virucidal activity and therefore has no anti-Covid action“.
The political controversy erupts immediately with the intervention of two deputies from Forza Italia.
“The local press is giving prominence to what was reported by the director of a comprehensive school in Aquileia, in a post published on a social network frequented by many school leaders. The manager states that: ‘after the positivity of one of my students, I received a visit from the Prevention Department, who told me that the gel used by the school does not have virucidal activity and therefore has no anti-Covid action. Too bad – adds the same manager – that it is the gel that Commissioner Extraordinary Arcuri sent me. The doctors told me that from now on it will be my responsibility that I do not have a suitable gel for prevention because they have verbalized it to me. I ran out of money – the manager concludes – someone help me, or rather, refrain from wasting time … ‘. The case is causing much discussion in Friuli because it could also be repeated in other institutions ”. Thus, in a note, the deputy of Forza Italia, Pierantonio Zanettin.
On this matter, I submitted a question to the government to find out if the facts described correspond to the truth and to what quality controls the batches of sanitizing gel purchased by the Extraordinary Commissioner are subjected ”.he adds.
“Italy is the only country that provides free disinfectant gel to schools, it is a pity that in some cases it seems that the gel is unable to kill the virus. Minister Azzolina and Commissioner Arcuri clarify immediately”says the deputy of Forza Italia Robert Novelli. After inspection by the health company, it was certified that the gel made available to students and school staff did not meet the requirements of the anti-Covid regulations.
“What product is it? How was the supply decided? How many schools has the non-sanitizing gel been sent to? “Novelli asks with a question that has just been presented. “There is no use for the government to compose itself by incredibly bragging about its work if it then discharges the responsibility and costs it will have to bear to comply with the school administrators law. If with difficulty we have understood the difficulties of finding the bastions during the first phase, it is unacceptable that after months Azzolina and Arcuri supply the schools with products that are little more than soap, useless and misleading to fight the virus ”, concludes Novelli.