L ‘Italian Medicines Agency maintains that the Regions have acquired the flu vaccine dose, enough to cover the needs of the population that is aimed at “all subjects from six months on who do not have contraindications for the vaccine”, as indicated in the circular of the Ministry of Health of June 4, 2020. Regarding Last year, the doses of influenza vaccine available exceeded 4 and a half million more, for a total of 17,866,550
However the Gimbe Foundation points out that they cannot guarantee 75% coverage of risk categories. President Nino Cartabellotta, stresses that in a year in which a COVID-19 pandemic has struck, there will also be subjects who will want to request the influenza vaccine not carried out in previous years, also because this allows distinguishing the symptoms of the coronavirus from those due to influence that may be very similar.

Renata grilli, coordinator of the seasonal influenza monitoring project, explained that the Gimbe Foundation conducted an independent analysis to map regional stocks of influenza vaccines, to evaluate the coverage of the population categories at risk, in addition to the availability of residual doses , intended for people without risk.
Based on the relevant data provided, there appears to be seven Regions and two Autonomous Provinces that do not cover 75% of the target population by age.
The Basilicata it is the most disadvantaged region, with a coverage of only 29.0%. Following: Autonomous province of Bolzano 38.3%; Abruzzo 49.0%; Aosta Valley 51.5%; Molise 57.1%; Umbria 61.9%; Lombardy 66.3% 66.3%; Piedmont 67.9%; Autonomous province of Trento 70.2%.
Twelve regions have more than 75% stocks of influenza vaccines: Calabria, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Puglia, Sicily, Sardinia, Tuscany, Veneto.
There are also vaccine doses available for risk-free categories.: in Calabria there are 100,273; in Campania 217,252; in Emilia Romagna, 9,980; in Friuli Venezia Giulia, 5,218; in Lazio 926,291; in Liguria 38,501; in the Trademarks 5,022; in Puglia 1,084,634; in Sicily 256,796; in Sardinia 96,113; in Tuscany 225,661; in Veneto 49,712.
The Gimbe Foundation’s analysis is based on the doses acquired by the Regions through the tenders and on the information provided directly by the regional administrations as of September 24, 2020. Among other things, there are some Regions that have taken measures to seek other doses of the vaccine. flu shot.
Nino Cartabellotta shows concern for the low availability of influenza vaccine in pharmacies, which he considers to be mainly attributable to the Ministry of Health and to most of the Regions that have not foreseen the need to increase stocks much in advance even for the categories that are not at risk. Second, they did not take into account the increased demand in international markets and tenders were delayed. And again, pharmacies have been unable to stock up due to the unavailability of the flu vaccine on the market.
The hope is that the situation will be resolved with specific and extraordinary interventions.